
36126 results

Leading and dealing with neurodivergent employees: a best practice

Leading and dealing with neurodivergent employees: a best practice With Ann van Dam, MBA MSc Head of Department O&S and Mireille Howard…

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, lecture room B

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, lecture room B 17 October 2024 12:45 till 13:30 - Location: Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, lecture room…

Fostering Empathy for DEI

Fostering Empathy for DEI With Dr. Shoko Dauwels Dr. Shoko Dauwels Shoko is an educational adviser at the TU Delft Library Research Data and…

Inclusive Project Teams

Inclusive Project Teams With Stefan Persaud MSc and Bas Flipsen MSc 03 October 2024 12:45 till 13:30 | Add to my calendar Stefan Persaud MSc…

Teachers' Manual - Practical Affairs

Teachers' Manual - Practical Affairs

TEACHERS' MANUAL Practical affairs Yearly planning Download the annual plan per quarter here . Teaching capacity planning A teaching…

From Parking lot to Playground: Joining forces for safe and liveable school environments

From Parking lot to Playground: Joining forces for safe and liveable school environments

Eltjo van Veen, a student of Transport, Infrastructure, and Logistics (TIL), explored how different stakeholders -from parents and residents…

M. (Jimmy) Pang, MSc

M. (Jimmy) Pang, MSc

Artificial coral reefs that help protect islands from flooding

Artificial coral reefs that help protect islands from flooding

Reef-lined islands are often low-lying and thus extremely vulnerable to coastal flooding. The vanishing of coral reefs worldwide gives the…

BSc with Dutch diploma

In order to enrol at TU Delft, you need to go through an application process. This process consists of several steps: Check Admission…

Cum laude exceptions and FAQ

How does cum laude work? + FAQ When am I eligible for an exception? How to apply for an exception Cum laude means ‘with distinction’. This…