Merve Günes

Merve Günes
BSc-student Applied Earth Sciences

Why did you choose Applied Earth Sciences?
Applied Earth Sciences was actually not my first choice; that was medicine. As you may know, in general (also in the Netherlands) it was or is (still) difficult to get into medical school. I didn’t expect to be given a place (I wasn’t), so I had to choose an alternative study.

I was very good in maths at secondary school and therefore wanted to look for a technical study programme. One of my passions is discovering the world and Applied Earth Sciences has a very international character. Great! So, the decision was quickly and easily made. I selected Applied Earth Sciences because of the mix of geology, technology and its very international character. 

Exploring the world is one of my biggest passions! Unfortunately, as a student it isn’t always possible to travel. This study programme suits my passion really well, because the subject is always the planet and there are a lot of job opportunities abroad. I have a lot of hobbies alongside travel such as volleyball, clarinet and Hip Hop dancing. 

Of course, completing this tough bachelor’s programme is a challenge. If I keep myself motivated then it will be fine in the end.

What do you want to become?
After completing my bachelor’s degree in Applied Earth Sciences, I want to attain a master’s degree in Remote Sensing & Geoscience as I want to observe the earth or perhaps also objects in space?

Fun to know?
Guess who manages the Facebook page Applied Earth Sciences TU Delft? ;)

Meet me
You can meet me at 'Student for a day' or the Open Days, which I will attend.