Gertjan Postema

BSc student Gertjan Postema 
Gertjan studied Applied Earth Sciences, now known as Earth, Climate and Technology

Why did you choose this bachelor?
In high school I really enjoyed the subject physical geography, I also liked math quite a bit. In this programme you combine the two; you apply math to the earth. This combination really appealed to me.
Personally, I also have a big interest in business, so I was considering a Business Administration study as well. Eventually, I choose Applied Earth Sciences (now known as: Earth, Climate and Technology) because I felt that with an engineering background you could easily end up in the business sector, and not the other way around.

What do you want to become?
I am definitely not sure yet. I will let the future decide on that. Like I mentioned before, I really like the business world so maybe I can combine something with my study and business.

The study itself, as this is definitely not an easy programme. Next to that, I try to do a lot of things besides my study. So combining this with studying, can also be a challenge sometimes.

I like to be busy! I love to have something to do every day, all day. Whether it’s sports, study, work, hanging out with friends, or just something else. I if it was possible, I would do it all every day!

Fun to know
English is not my best subject. I had a mere six for English in High School. I also have dyslexia. However, these two things do not really bother with my studies. Already after a couple of months I was used to studying in English. And as you progress in your study, your writing and speaking skills only improve. So, I would not worry too much about the fact that the bachelor is in English if I were you.