
498 results

19 July 2024

Thirteen promising young Delft researchers receive Veni grant

Thirteen promising young Delft researchers receive Veni grant

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded thirteen young TU Delft researchers from the Science (ENW) and Applied and Engineering Sciences (TTW) domains, a Veni grant of up to 320,000 euro.

28 June 2024

TU Delft student team designs a self-supporting lunar village

TU Delft student team designs a self-supporting lunar village

Dream Team ‘Space Oasis Delft’ has designed a lunar village for 150+ residents. The dwellings have elements of biomimicry, contain a self-sustaining biosphere and simulate a day-night cycle as well as seasons. Smart design choices safeguard not only the occupants' safety but also their mental well-being.

27 June 2024

Students present improvements to manure-cleaning robot

Students present improvements to manure-cleaning robot

A robot that cleans cowsheds. 95 Master Robotics students have been working on this project for the past few weeks. On 13 June, they presented their robots to lecturers and client Lely, manufacturer of automated systems for dairy farmers. The students developed the control software for the robot. It had to avoid cows and other obstacles and navigate itself to places where there is manure.

25 June 2024

Learning without knowing it at the Mechanical Engineering Design Competition

Learning without knowing it at the Mechanical Engineering Design Competition

Some 570 first-year mechanical engineering students used their crate stacker to stack almost 2,000 crates during the design competition on 12 June. The eight best stackers went through to the final, where they had to stack up to 25 crates. The competition is the culmination of the third design course of the programme and challenges students to apply all the knowledge they have gained over the past year.

21 June 2024

David Abbink receives Stevin Prize

David Abbink receives Stevin Prize

David Abbink ontvangt dit jaar de NWO Stevinpremie. De Stevinpremie en de Spinozapremie zijn de hoogste Nederlandse onderscheidingen in de wetenschap. Ze worden jaarlijks uitgereikt aan vier mensen in totaal ‘voor hun uitmuntende, baanbrekende en inspirerende werk’, aldus NWO, die dit nieuws vandaag bekend maakt. Abbink ontvangt 1,5 miljoen euro te besteden aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek en kennisbenutting. Hij ontvangt de Stevinpremie met name voor de maatschappelijke impact van zijn onderzoek.

13 June 2024

Theory results in fanatic race during the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Theory results in fanatic race during the Maritime Engineering Design Day

Around 55 first-year students in the Maritime Engineering bachelor programme introduced their parents and other interested parties to the department and its programme during Design Day. After an opening session where the parents accompanied by students were briefed on the theory, they were soon able to roll up their sleeves and get to work. They even had the opportunity to build their own floating structure!

11 June 2024

Rewind to the Iron Age

Rewind to the Iron Age

Reproducing a 3,000-year-old sword for your graduation project. Materials Science & Engineering student Dorien Westert is combining archaeology and materials science by studying the microstructure of iron swords. In the process, she may learn more about how people lived in the early Iron Age.

07 June 2024

Inaugural lecture: ‘We are moving towards shared cognition between humans and robots’

Inaugural lecture: ‘We are moving towards shared cognition between humans and robots’

Will robots in the future know if a human has seen them and let them know this as well? If it’s up to TU Delft professor Joost de Winter, the answer is yes. He is working on contactless interaction between humans and machines. The ultimate goal is to merge human and robotic information processing. In his inaugural address on 7 June, De Winter will take you through the various aspects of his research but also shed light on the growing role of AI in science and education.

30 May 2024

Project teacher: a unique interaction between teachers and students

Project teacher: a unique interaction between teachers and students

The first year of the Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering includes three design subjects in which the students work independently. Almost 800 students need parts, tools and guidance. Project teachers are indispensable in this regard. They help the students to put their own ideas into practice.

21 May 2024

Strings that can vibrate forever (kind of)

Strings that can vibrate forever (kind of)

Researchers from TU Delft and Brown University have engineered string-like resonators capable of vibrating longer at ambient temperature than any previously known solid-state object — approaching what is currently only achievable near absolute zero temperatures. Their study, published in Nature Communications, pushes the edge of nanotechnology and machine learning to make some of the world’s most sensitive mechanical sensors.

08 May 2024

Why do you start to walk like an elderly person at the age of 25?

Why do you start to walk like an elderly person at the age of 25?

In this video, Eline van der Kruk shows how your body changes throughout the years!

01 May 2024

Decommissioning and recycling offshore power cables

Decommissioning and recycling offshore power cables

26 April 2024

Royal honour for professor DirkJan Veeger

Royal honour for professor DirkJan Veeger

Professor in the Department of Biomechanical Engineering, DirkJan Veeger, was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau on 26 April. He receives this distinction for his exceptional achievements and contributions within science and society.

26 April 2024

Measuring 1 million snowflakes for better weather forecasts

Measuring 1 million snowflakes for better weather forecasts

Taking the ski lift to work. That's not something many people can say. For postdoc and TU Delft alumnus Koen Muller, this has been a reality for almost 1 year. Next to a ski slope near Davos, he is building a unique measurement setup with which he wants to collect data on snowstorms to gain more insight into the interaction of snowflake aggregation and atmospheric turbulence.

18 April 2024

‘Do you consider yourself an inventor or a professor?’

‘Do you consider yourself an inventor or a professor?’

This year’s ‘Meet the Professor’ event took place on 17 April. TU Delft uses the ‘Meet the Professor’ event to celebrate the city’s birthday together with primary schools. During this event, TU Delft professors give a guest lecture about their research at Delft primary schools. Professors Maarten van der Elst and Paul Breedveld represented the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 2024.

17 April 2024

TU Delft Mechanical Engineering opens new robotics lab

TU Delft Mechanical Engineering opens new robotics lab

From robots that stock shelves to aid during post-stroke rehabilitation, and from autonomous drones to self-driving cars. All these and more robots can now be found under one roof at TU Delft. On 17 April, the Cognitive Robotics department will open its brand-new lab where not only robots, but also researchers and technicians will come together. This should encourage cross-pollination of knowledge and creative solutions and take research into robotics to the next level.

15 April 2024

Lindert van Biert at NPO Radio 1

Lindert van Biert at NPO Radio 1

What is more polluting: travelling by boat or plane?

12 April 2024

Jan-Willem van Wingerden about wind farms at NPO Radio 1

Jan-Willem van Wingerden about wind farms at NPO Radio 1

Jan-Willem van Wingerden was invited to talk about his innovative research on wind farm control.

11 April 2024

Girls’ Day 2024: jonge meiden bezoeken ME en CiTG

Girls’ Day 2024: jonge meiden bezoeken ME en CiTG

Een speciale dag voor meisjes zodat zij kunnen ervaren hoe waardevol en leuk technische opleidingen zijn. Op 11 april was het weer tijd voor de jaarlijkse Girls’ Day. Bijna 80 leerlingen uit de eerste, tweede en derde klas van scholen uit Leiden en Schiedam kwamen naar de TU Delft en maakten kennis met techniek bij de faculteiten Mechanical Engineering (ME) en Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen (CiTG).

04 April 2024

Ron van Ostayen about improved production of chips at BNR Wetenschap Vandaag podcast

Ron van Ostayen about improved production of chips at BNR Wetenschap Vandaag podcast

Ron van Ostayen vertelt over verbeterde productie van chips door middel van zwevende wafers

02 April 2024

TU Delft and VDL ETG T&D research contactless wafer handling for better chip production

TU Delft and VDL ETG T&D research contactless wafer handling for better chip production

Every time the robotic arm picks up a wafer for placement in the chip machine, very small particles are generated which are harmful for the chip production process. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from TU Delft is working on new generation wafer handlers that can handle wafers without particle generation.

21 March 2024

Mechanical engineering at nano-scale requires clean environment

Mechanical engineering at nano-scale requires clean environment

When working at the nanoscale, even a speck of dust can cause disruptions. That is why you find several clean rooms across the TU Delft Campus. In the clean room of Mechanical Engineering, researchers have the unique possibility to build mechanical structures at nanoscale, from top-down by sculpting materials and bottom-up by additive nanomanufacturing. The resulting devices find applications in a variety of fields, from biology to material science.

20 March 2024

Gerard Verbiest in BNR podcast

Gerard Verbiest in BNR podcast

Researcher Gerard Verbiest works on new chip technology using sound. Together with researchers at ASML, he investigates, among other things, how to apply sound to look inside a chip.

19 March 2024

David Abbink in Nieuwsuur about AI in robots

David Abbink in Nieuwsuur about AI in robots

AI is already oftem used in robotics. Can these robots help with staff shortages?

17 March 2024

Arend Schwab at Universiteit van Nederland

Arend Schwab at Universiteit van Nederland

Arend Schwab (founder of the cycling lab at ME) has been researching the art of cycling for years.

13 March 2024

Liselore Tissen in Museum de Lakenhal

Liselore Tissen in Museum de Lakenhal

What is the effect of the reproduction of artworks on the original? Liselore Tissen was involved in The Van Doesburg experiment in Museum de Lakenhal.

07 March 2024

Rudy Negenborn in BBC News about autonomous shipping

Rudy Negenborn in BBC News about autonomous shipping

Autonomy, robotics and remote operation, along with artificial intelligence, will transform all transport sectors. In this article, Rudy Negenborn talks about the development and use of robot ships.

07 March 2024

Personalized musculoskeletal models that reflect the diversity of body types

Personalized musculoskeletal models that reflect the diversity of body types

Musculoskeletal models in research are now based on the body of an average male. Scientists from TU Delft, Department of Mechanical Engineering, investigate how accurate these models are for a broad population. The one-size-fits-all approach could hinder proper treatment by doctors and physiotherapists. The researchers are therefore working on personalized musculoskeletal models based on a simple 3D scan.

07 March 2024

Eline van der Kruk en Judith Cueto Fernandez about personalized musculoskeletal models in BNN Breaking

Eline van der Kruk en Judith Cueto Fernandez about personalized musculoskeletal models in BNN Breaking

Musculoskeletal models in research are now based on the body of an average male. Scientists from Mechanical Engineering investigate how accurate these models are for a broad population. The one-size-fits-all approach could hinder proper treatment by doctors and physiotherapists.

02 March 2024

Arjo Loeve and Kim Hutchinson at RTL Nieuws about shaken baby experiment

Arjo Loeve and Kim Hutchinson at RTL Nieuws about shaken baby experiment

Shaking a baby violently can cause head and neck injuries, blindness and in some cases even death. Researchers at TU Delft, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, are using a dummy baby and computer models to map the accelerations that act on the head during shaking.

23 February 2024

Fully automated robot team successfully cleans litter from seafloor, next step is to go faster and deeper

Fully automated robot team successfully cleans litter from seafloor, next step is to go faster and deeper

A consortium of European researchers, led by TU Delft, created a functional team of smart robots designed to clean litter from the seafloor. The SeaClear system has successfully passed its last series of tests in both clear and murky waters.

16 February 2024

Tim Horeman in the podcast BNR Wetenschap Vandaag

Tim Horeman in the podcast BNR Wetenschap Vandaag

Tim Horeman talks about the use of sustainable design in healthcare

16 February 2024

Green steel programme receives final approval, marking its official start

Green steel programme receives final approval, marking its official start

On 12 February, the Growing with Green Steel programme received official approval for a grant of more than 100 million euros from the National Growth Fund. Around 22 million euros of the total sum is destined for TU Delft. The programme aims to develop scientific knowledge and technology for sustainable steel production.

16 February 2024

Jilt Sietsma in Trouw about sustainable steel production

Jilt Sietsma in Trouw about sustainable steel production

Steel production accounts for 7% of global CO2 emissions. That should and could be more sustainable. That is why 31 parties are joining forces to develop a new set of technologies based on hydrogen, renewable energy and circular iron and steel processing.

12 February 2024

Amir Zadpoor and Mohammad Mirzaali about 'metamaterials' in BNN Breaking

Amir Zadpoor and Mohammad Mirzaali about 'metamaterials' in BNN Breaking

A coating that can hide objects in plain sight, or an implant that behaves exactly like bone tissue. These extraordinary objects are already made from ‘metamaterials’. Researchers from TU Delft have now developed an AI tool that not only can discover such extraordinary materials but also makes them fabrication-ready and durable.

09 February 2024

Mathias Peirlinck in Trouw about cardiac digital twins

Mathias Peirlinck in Trouw about cardiac digital twins

Mathias Peirlinck decided to research the heart. To improve treatment options for patients, he wants to understand how the heart works and responds to stimuli.

08 February 2024

New AI tool discovers realistic 'metamaterials' with unusual properties

New AI tool discovers realistic 'metamaterials' with unusual properties

A coating that can hide objects in plain sight, or an implant that behaves exactly like bone tissue. These extraordinary objects are already made from ‘metamaterials’. Researchers from TU Delft have now developed an AI tool that not only can discover such extraordinary materials but also makes them fabrication-ready and durable.

07 February 2024

Mark van de Ruit in AD about predicting migraine attacks

Mark van de Ruit in AD about predicting migraine attacks

Hope for people who suffer from migraines: with this model you can predict an attack 24 hours in advance.

07 February 2024

Paul Breedveld in AD about an ultra-thin and steerable needle

Paul Breedveld in AD about an ultra-thin and steerable needle

Paul Breedveld, professor of Medical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technology developed an ultra-thin, flexible and steerable needle with PhD student Marta Scali and fellow researcher Dimitra Dodou.

07 February 2024

Inaugural speech: ‘Trading heat for a sustainable future’

Inaugural speech: ‘Trading heat for a sustainable future’

Commodifying heat. That is the ultimate goal of TU Delft professor of Heat Transformation Technology Kamel Hooman. In the future, consumers could store heat they do not use and sell it in a market. In this way, total energy loss could be halved. Crucial here is that heat can be efficiently stored and transported. Hooman will explain how he intends to achieve this in his inaugural speech on 7 February.