FRAIM: shaping the future of work

Complex societal challenges, such as an aging population and a growing shortage of workers, require us to rethink how we live, consume and work. Technology, like robotics, can help with these challenges. However people remain crucial, especially in the vital sectors of healthcare, cleaning, logistics and manufacturing.

Many innovations fail on the work floor, and there is little steering towards the attractiveness of work. This is due to a fragmented approach to the complexity of technology, people and organisations, in which employees typically do not have a say. This fragmentation exists both in practice and in science.

Transdisciplinary research and innovation centre FRAIM navigates this complexity to allow for the emergence of not only a viable, but also a meaningful and just future of work. Together, practitioners, technical and social scientists, and design, innovation and organizational experts integrate their perspectives that they develop into innovations for and in the workplace. This learning-by-doing approach is already in practice with a number of organisations. We connect learnings from different sectors to create actionable knowledge for shaping meaningful, just and viable work.


Eva Verhoef

Innovation lead

Ties van Bruinessen

Managing director