
218 results

09 June 2022

IDE Design for Sustainability team acquires three NWO projects

The Design for Sustainability team at IDE has acquired three collaborative NWO circular design projects. While each project is unique, they collectively contribute to a knowledge pool that addresses how products can be designed from the start to keep them from entering the waste stream for as long as possible. The projects range from investigating how wind turbine blades can be designed better to improve their re-use and material longevity (LICHEN-Blades), to developing electronics that can be recycled better (Circular Circuits), to addressing harmful substances in products so they can be used over multiple life-cycles (Safe-by-Design Circular Products).

09 June 2022

IDE in the media – week 23

08 June 2022

Energy transition at the heart of TU Delft's education programme

Energy transition at the heart of TU Delft's education programme

On Thursday 9 June, the TU Delft campus will be buzzing like never before. On that day, students will be presenting their ideas on how to accelerate the energy transition. Over the past six months, more than 15,000 TU Delft students have followed a course on energy transition. This has resulted in a large number of ideas and prototypes that can be seen on 9 June during the Energy Challenge Event, which is part of TU Delft's anniversary year.

02 June 2022

Design Showcase for Students

Do you have a cool project you have been working on and that want to share with the world? Then here is your chance to show it off. On the 20th of June, students from all of the Dutch Industrial Design and Engineering faculties will gather in Eindhoven to present their coolest projects. You can even win some awesome prizes! Sign up here before the 7th of June.

02 June 2022

IDE researchers publish '3D Printing for Repair Guide'

Need a spare part to repair your product with? The TU Delft Repair Group (Julieta Bolaños Arriola, Alma van Oudheusden, Bas Flipsen, and Jeremy Faludi) has got you covered. They released their 3D Printing for Repair Guide and it's chalked full of useful examples and videos. If you, or anyone else in your network, is interested in developing spare parts with 3D printing – make sure to check out this guide. You can find the guide here.

02 June 2022

Call for Research & Innovation Projects for Design United @ DDW2022

4TU.Design United is once again taking part in Dutch Design Week (22-30 October 2022) in the form of the Design Research & Innovation (DRIVE) Festival, Up Close & Personal, and a corresponding expo in the Klokgebouw. If you would like to participate and/or contribute, please submit your proposals before the 15th of June.

02 June 2022

ID Education hosts the 2022 Pluim Awards

On 11 May, ID Education hosted the 2022 Pluim Awards at the ID Kafee. The annual event was a success with beautiful weather, fantastic company, and plenty of awards given out. Speaking of awards, this year was unique. Instead of having three nominees and one winner per category, ID Education chose to spotlight all the nominees as winners.

30 May 2022

Handling stress: using wearable technology to help people with PTSD

Handling stress: using wearable technology to help people with PTSD

The obvious triggers of stress are all around us: pressing deadlines at work, children not sleeping through the night, a leaking roof. But sometimes it's smaller things, certain locations or specific times of day, that increase our stress levels. Understanding those triggers using wearable technology, with a focus on people who experience a lot of stress - people with PTSD - was the topic of Xueliang Li’s PhD research.