News & Events

22 November 2022

Fossil free fuels for floating power plants

Fossil free fuels for floating power plants

TU Delft, the Netherlands and Seaborg Technologies, Denmark, started a one year project on the investigation of fuel molten salt chemistry for the development of an innovative molten salt nuclear reactor design. The researchers at TU Delft are Dr Anna Smith (Associate Professor) and Lukasz Ruszczynski (Postdoc). Seaborg Technologies’ vision is to deliver clean, cost-competitive, and safe energy with their promising Compact Molten Salt Reactor (CMSR) concept.

18 November 2022

Udo Pesch op over klimaatrechtvaardigheid

Udo Pesch op over klimaatrechtvaardigheid

Klimaatrechtvaardigheid is één van de thema’s van de klimaattop in Egypte. Delta sprak met TU-ethicus Udo Pesch over de vraag: gaat er compensatie voor klimaatschade komen?

17 November 2022

Electric technology to save energy in drying processes

Electric technology to save energy in drying processes

Scientists of TU Delft and four other Dutch universities join forces to save energy in drying processes. In the ELECTRIFIED project, the researchers will use the power of electricity and electrical fields to develop breakthrough technologies for large energy savings in industrial drying processes.

03 November 2022

Aad Correljé bij BNR over cv ketels op waterstof

Aad Correljé bij BNR over cv ketels op waterstof

Netwerkbeheerder Liander start een proefproject met cv-ketels die draaien op waterstof, omdat waterstof in de toekomst wel eens een belangrijke rol in de energie voorziening kan spelen. Aad Correljé vraagt zich af of het in de huiselijke sfeer echt gaat helpen. 'Technische aspecten zoals vlamsnelheid kan je testen in laboratoria, maar of het echt werkt in de huiselijke omgeving komt alleen naar voren in dit soort pilot projecten.'

01 November 2022

A 100 million euro investment to make TU Delft Campus more sustainable

A 100 million euro investment to make TU Delft Campus more sustainable

TU Delft is going to invest substantially in making its campus more sustainable. TU Delft is thus putting its previously published Sustainable TU Delft - vision, ambition & action plan into practice. Over the next few years, TU Delft will work towards a CO2-neutral, circular and climate-adaptive campus, with a focus on improving biodiversity and quality of life.