Best Climate Action and Energy Paper 2024 - Call for papers

TU Delft stands as one of Europe’s largest research institutes in the field of climate action and energy with over a 1000 researchers active in the field. We work together with partners in the field labs on the TU Delft Campus, companies, policymakers and social scientists from all over Europe. And we also want to involve you! That is why the Climate Action Programme and Delft Energy are launching the third edition of the Best Climate Action and Energy Paper Award. Working together we can address the enormous challenge of bringing a faster climate and energy transition, and we look forward to receiving ideas from your papers.

Call for submissions is open now!

You can submit your one and best paper in the field of Climate Action or Energy if:
• You are the first author of the paper
Your paper is published or accepted to be published from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
• You were a TU Delft MSc student, PhD candidate or Post-doctoral researcher sometime during the period of January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
You can submit one paper for the overall competition. Do not submit your paper to two categories
• Papers that were assessed for last year’s prize cannot be resubmitted
• External PhDs with no TUD account can submit via their TUD supervisor
• You must present your paper at the Award ceremony on March 18th, 2025

Choose your category for Climate Action in the submission form. The categories are:
Climate Science - led by Pier Siebesma
Mitigating Climate Change - led by David Vermaas
Climate Change Adaption - led by Marjolein van Esch
Climate Change Governance - led by Tatiana Filatova

Choose your category for Energy in the submission form. The categories are:
Urban Energy (incl Social Innovation in Energy Transition) - led by Henk Visscher
Wind Energy (incl Ocean Energy) - led by Simon Watson
PowerWeb (incl Energy Access 4 All) - led by Peter Palensky
e-Refinery (incl e4Battery) - led by Arjan Houtepen
• H2 - led by Bendiks Jan Boersma

Each theme or institute will choose their best paper. First place will win € 500! These winners together will be the 9 finallists for the overall Best Climate Action 2024 or Best Energy Paper 2024, both with a prize money of € 1000!

Deadline to submit your paper is 17 January 2025

The Award Ceremony March 18th, 2025

Please join us for the presentations by our 9 finalists, and to find out who has won the Best Climate Action paper and who won the Best Energy Paper of 2024. You will witness what fine, young, innovative researchers the TU Delft has. They are eager to change the climate and participate in the energy transition. The audience will also have the chance to select their favorite paper. Which researcher gave the best pitch? Which paper was the most innovative? Which idea is the most creative?

Date: Tuesday 18 March 2025
Time: 15:30-17:30
Location: Co-Creation Centre at The Green Village

15:00 Walkin at the Co-Creation Centre at The Green Village on TU Delft Campus.
15:30 Welcome by Professor Herman Russchenberg Pro-Vice Rector Climate Action Programme
15:40   • Paper pitches
            • Audience voting
            • Announcement of the Best Climate Action paper and Best Energy paper of 2024
16:50 Closing by Professor Peter Palensky; Director Delft Energy
17:00 Network drinks; get in contact with these enthusiastic minds and find your peers within the audience.

Registration is mandatory via this form

Do you want to submit a paper? Deadline is January 17, 2025.