News & Events

01 February 2018

Collaboration grant awarded to Department of Process & Energy and MIT

Collaboration grant awarded to Department of Process & Energy and MIT

A new initiative focussing on intensifying collaborations between Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Process & Energy division of 3ME has just been granted . Massachusetts International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) awarded Global Seed Funds Award, worth 30,000$ to the Intensified Reaction System (IRS) group of the Department of Process & Energy.

24 January 2018

GROW programme kicks off with a novel pile installation method ’Gentle Driving of Piles’

GROW programme kicks off with a novel pile installation method ’Gentle Driving of Piles’

The first GROW project, ‘Gentle Driving of Piles’, received the approval of the Dutch RVO for granting a subsidy of 2.7 million euro. This project consortium is led by TU Delft and together with the GROW partners Boskalis, Deltares, DOT, Eneco, Sif, TNO, ECN, Shell, IHC, SHL and Van Oord, they will develop and test a novel pile installation method for offshore wind turbines.

23 January 2018

In search of better Li-ion batteries and alternatives

In search of better Li-ion batteries and alternatives

There is a lot of progress still to be made when it comes to batteries and energy storage. The problem of storing energy is often underestimated however. Gradual evolution in the world of batteries is more likely than a revolution. TU Delft's new batteries lab will focus primarily on research into potential alternatives for what is currently the standard technology: the lithium-ion battery.

17 January 2018

Paulien Herder joins 3mE for e-Refinery initiative

Paulien Herder, professor of energy systems at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management and chair of the Delft Energy Initiative, joined the Department of Process and Energy part time on 1 January 2018 in order to run the e-Refinery initiative. E-Refinery is a university-wide initiative of TU Delft that sees three faculties (AS, 3mE and TPM) joining forces in the field of the electrification of the chemical and energy sectors.

12 January 2018

Aad Correljé op BNR Nieuwsradio over aardgaswinning in Groningen

Aad Correljé op BNR Nieuwsradio over aardgaswinning in Groningen

Het was weer raak in Groningen. Het aantal schademeldingen is opgelopen naar 600. De onrust is groot en de roep om de gaskraan zo snel mogelijk helemaal dicht te draaien weer luider. Maar kan dat wel? Waar gaan we ons gas dan vandaan halen? Is dat een garantie dat er geen aardbevingingen meer in het gebied gaan voorkomen? En kan minister Wiebes waarmaken om de gaswinning zo snel mogelijk af te bouwen?