News & Events

19 December 2018

Building Market Briefs: de Europese bouwsector in kaart gebracht

Building Market Briefs: de Europese bouwsector in kaart gebracht

Het EIT Climate KIC-initiative is een Europese kennis- en innovatie community die zich inzet voor een snellere overgang naar een CO2-vrije economie. Henk Visscher, hoogleraar woonkwaliteit aan de TU Delft, is een van de initiatiefnemers om een serie rapporten, de 'Building Market Briefs' over de gebouwenvoorraad, relevante regelgeving en beleid in diverse Europese landen, uit te brengen voor innovatieve ondernemers.

11 December 2018

Renewable Energy Systems - The Next Step Forward

Renewable Energy Systems - The Next Step Forward

Replacing large coal and nuclear power plants with renewable resources, especially wind and solar energy implicitly emphasised an increased use of ICT to control, monitor and protect future power systems; the final goal being to provide cheap and clean energy through a power system that operates with high levels of reliability and security of supply. This is reflected in what has become a generally accepted definition of a smart grid.

07 December 2018

Sponsorship for Assistant/Associate Professor Geothermal Science and Engineering

Sponsorship for Assistant/Associate Professor Geothermal Science and Engineering

During the Geothermal Get-Together on 29 November 2018, it was announced that research on Geothermal Science and Engineering at TU Delft got another boost. A consortium of seven partners signed a certificate for sponsoring an Assistant/Associate Professor.

04 December 2018

How to transform urban energy systems

How to transform urban energy systems

Sustainable Urban Energy Systems Conference. Ambitious climate change targets can only be realized by transforming urban energy systems into smart low carbon energy systems. Thinking and discussing about how to achieve this happened on November 8 and 9 at TU Delft and The Green Village by 150 attendees, from more than 90 organizations and 16 – not only European – countries.

29 November 2018

New Electrical Sustainable Powerlab smooths the way for energy transition

New Electrical Sustainable Powerlab smooths the way for energy transition

A new laboratory, the only one of its kind in the world, is being built in Delft. The Electrical Sustainable Powerlab will bring together under one roof scientists researching the generation, transfer, distribution and use of electricity by households and companies. The aim is to ensure a smooth transition to more sustainable energy.