
280 results

08 April 2020

A bit of math to constrain epidemics

A bit of math to constrain epidemics

02 April 2020

A post-coronavirus society

A post-coronavirus society

19 February 2020

Cryo-chip overcomes obstacle to large-scale quantum computers

Cryo-chip overcomes obstacle to large-scale quantum computers

11 February 2020

Listening tip: De ProfCast

In this monthly podcast, Marieke and Tijs will be talking to various EEMCS professors. What are they driven by? Where does their fascination with science come from?

06 February 2020

TU Delft and the National Library of the Netherlands launch Future Libraries Lab

TU Delft and the National Library of the Netherlands launch Future Libraries Lab

TU Delft and the Royal Library of the Netherlands (KB) are launching the Future Libraries Lab

23 January 2020

Pablo Cesar awarded the 2020 Netherlands Prize for ICT Research

Pablo Cesar awarded the 2020 Netherlands Prize for ICT Research

The 2020 Netherlands Prize for ICT Research is to be awarded to Pablo Cesar for his research on modelling and controlling complex collections of media objects.

09 January 2020

€3.3m research funding to establish trust in the internet economy

€3.3m research funding to establish trust in the internet economy

Sovereignty4Europe, an interdisciplinary research project that aims to start an online community of 50,000 internet users to evaluate the principles of an ‘internet of trust’, has received €3.3 million of research funding.

20 December 2019

New project SAM-FMS studies scheduling in cyber-physical systems

New project SAM-FMS studies scheduling in cyber-physical systems

16 December 2019

Brace yourself, there’s a sandstorm coming!

Brace yourself, there’s a sandstorm coming!

Suddenly your car is covered in a thin layer of yellow-brown sand, and the sky turns orange-red. Your neighbour covers her mouth with a scarf as she walks past with her shopping trolley. And your phone makes a shrill, loud beeping noise: a message from the government. Keep doors and windows closed. This is a reality that has become commonplace in China as the country is regularly hit by large, violent sandstorms. Jianbing Jin (TU Delft) has spent the last few years researching this crippling phenomenon, and trying to figure out how and where sand particles blow into the air.

13 December 2019

Crossover grant NWO: 4 PhD students for Kitepower

Crossover grant NWO: 4 PhD students for Kitepower

The NEON consortium, led by Eindhoven University of Technology, will receive a Crossover grant of 8.5 million euros for innovations that can accelerate the energy transition.

12 December 2019

TU Delft selected as ELLIS unit for AI and machine learning

TU Delft selected as ELLIS unit for AI and machine learning

The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent systems (ELLIS) have selected TU Delft for establishing one of its units for European research excellence in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

11 December 2019

A boost of €4,1M for joint proton therapy research TU Delft, Erasmus MC and LUMC

A boost of €4,1M for joint proton therapy research TU Delft, Erasmus MC and LUMC

The next round of funding has been awarded to 13 researchers within the HollandPTC R&D consortium.

25 November 2019

Future thinking for historical Studieverzameling

Future thinking for historical Studieverzameling

For more than fifty years the basement of the low-rise part of building-36 is home to “objects that are of an electric origin”.

05 November 2019

Azqa Nadeem

Azqa Nadeem

Azqa Nadeem has been nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate 2019

17 October 2019

The digital revolution is coming: Do IoT Fieldlab officially launched

The digital revolution is coming: Do IoT Fieldlab officially launched

The new Do IoT Fieldlab (Delft on the Internet of Things) was officially launched on Wednesday afternoon during a kick-off event on the TU Delft Campus.

01 October 2019

Researchers from TU Delft discover real Van Gogh using artificial intelligence

Researchers from TU Delft discover real Van Gogh using artificial intelligence

What did Vincent van Gogh actually paint and draw? Paintings and drawings fade, so researchers from TU Delft are using deep learning to digitally reconstruct works of art and discover what they really looked like. ‘What we see today is not the painting or drawing as it originally was,’ says researcher Jan van der Lubbe.

20 September 2019

Brand new laboratory for research into sustainable electricity supply

Brand new laboratory for research into sustainable electricity supply

In order to achieve the climate targets, the Netherlands needs to generate much more electricity using the sun and wind. But is our electricity network even ready for that? Unfortunately not. In order to tackle this gigantic challenge, TU Delft is currently building a brand new laboratory: the Electrical Sustainable Powerlab, aka the ESP Lab.

10 September 2019

EEMCS researchers nominated for “Best tech idea of 2019”

EEMCS researchers nominated for “Best tech idea of 2019”

Recently, researchers at LUMC Leiden and TU Delft found a way to automatically reset a racing heart through an implanted LED device. Their research, published in the scientific journal Science Translational Medicine, was received with enthusiasm and now even has a chance to win the title of “Best tech idea of 2019”. A prize awarded by the popular science magazine KIJK to the best idea that has emerged in recent times.

30 August 2019

EEMCS active in three new Gravitation programmes

EEMCS active in three new Gravitation programmes

05 August 2019

Dutch-Japanese astronomical instrument measures 49 shades of far-infrared

Dutch-Japanese astronomical instrument measures 49 shades of far-infrared

The DESHIMA instrument has passed its first practical tests when measuring the distances and ages of distant galaxies.

16 July 2019

Twelve Veni awards for TU Delft researchers

Twelve Veni awards for TU Delft researchers

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to twelve highly promising young scientists from TU Delft.

16 July 2019

Chao Chen to receive Else Kooi Award for PhD work on smart ultrasound probes

Chao Chen to receive Else Kooi Award for PhD work on smart ultrasound probes

The 2019 Else Kooi Award goes to EWI alumnus Chao Chen, for his work on chips for miniature 3-D ultrasound probes.

28 June 2019

Team TU Delft wins award for best aviation innovation

Team TU Delft wins award for best aviation innovation

The team ‘The Zero Heroes’ of TU Delft has won the finals of the Airbus Fly Your Ideas competition.

25 June 2019

The magic of multi-functional Photovoltaic Windows

The magic of multi-functional Photovoltaic Windows

27 May 2019

Arno Smets appointed Mission Innovation Champion

Arno Smets appointed Mission Innovation Champion

Professor Arno Smets has been named one of the first Mission Innovation Champions, a new initiative to honour pioneers in the field of clean energy.

24 May 2019

Three EEMCS scientists receive Vidi's

Three EEMCS scientists receive Vidi's

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants to three scientists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS). The fortunate ones are Jan van Gemert, Martijn Caspers and Sicco Verwer.

21 May 2019

Two times Eurographics Medical Prize 2019 for EEMCS’ Intelligent systems department

Two times Eurographics Medical Prize 2019 for EEMCS’ Intelligent systems department

13 May 2019

Who’s talking, who’s listening? Tackling the wireless design challenges

Who’s talking, who’s listening? Tackling the wireless design challenges

Cicero Vaucher and Earl McCune will give their inaugural address on Friday, 17 May. The two part-time professors at the Microelectronics department will be presenting their vision on the RF/mm-wave field of research. RF/mm-wave concerns frequencies in the radio spectrum between 30 and 300 Gigahertz.

08 May 2019

BI/OND winner of Philips Innovation Award 2019

BI/OND winner of Philips Innovation Award 2019

08 May 2019

MOOCs: still lots to be learned about learning

MOOCs: still lots to be learned about learning

The potential of massive open online learning environments is vast, but the accompanying learning analytics are still in their infancy.

26 April 2019

Royal Honours for Miro Zeman

Royal Honours for Miro Zeman

Miro Zeman, Professor of Photovoltaic Materials and Devices in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), was made a Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion in Delft.

26 April 2019

Royal Honours for three TU Delft professors

TU Delft professors Jan Dirk Jansen, Lucas van Vliet and Miro Zeman all received Royal Honours this year.

16 April 2019

N.G. De Bruijn Prijs goes to Dion Gijswijt

N.G. De Bruijn Prijs goes to Dion Gijswijt

The N.G. De Bruijn Prize is awarded to mathematician Dion Gijswijt for a paper he wrote based on the card game Set.

26 March 2019

Towards efficient and large routine genomic evaluations

Towards efficient and large routine genomic evaluations

In collaboration with Prof. Kees Vuik (DIAM), researchers from Wageningen University & Research, Animal Breeding and Genomics (WUR-ABG) have recently implemented an efficient algorithm called the deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method.

26 March 2019

TU Delft and AIVD start research programme on national cyber security

As our society becomes increasingly interconnected, the vulnerability to abuse of digital technology grows. To improve our understanding of the nature of the cyber threat to national security and of the technical, organisational and institutional means to address it responsibly, the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) initiate a collaborative research programme.

22 March 2019

Register now for TU Delft BioDay 2019

21 March 2019

TU Delft and ING in AI for FinTech Lab

TU Delft and ING in AI for FinTech Lab

TU Delft and ING are joining their knowledge and expertise on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the financial sector in the AI for FinTech Lab (AFL).

14 March 2019

Connecting history with computer sciences

Researchers from BK Bouwkunde and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science at TU Delft have formed a partnership to connect Humanities and Computer Sciences. They will combine their interdisciplinary skills to connect long-term historical knowledge with cutting edge computer vision, geospatial technology, and crowd sourcing technology.

14 March 2019

Elmar Eisemann to receive Dutch Prize for ICT Research 2019

Elmar Eisemann to receive Dutch Prize for ICT Research 2019

He will be receiving the award for his research into the accurate, detailed depiction of visualisations using modern graphics hardware.

13 March 2019

CSE students deliver unique achievement

CSE students deliver unique achievement

Students Buster Bernstein and Jasper Geurtz have delivered a unique achievement: their paper has been accepted for the next AAMAS.