Alumnus - Katerina Kourkoulou

Name: Katerina Kourkoulou
Alumnus: Master Applied Physics

“I enjoyed how most courses were taught interactively and the variety of material covered, which can be expanded even further by choosing electives from different master's programmes."

Katerina Kourkoulou

My name is Katerina Kourkoulou. I did the Applied Physics MSc at TU Delft between 2021 and 2023, with a focus on the Physics for Health and Life track.

After my BSc in condensed matter physics, I got interested in soft matter and emergent dynamics in biological systems, so I looked for ways to study biophysics and biotechnology in depth. I chose the Applied Physics MSc programme because it offered a flexible course plan that allowed me to combine different disciplines in my studies. TU Delft’s cutting-edge research and technological innovations also played an important role in making my decision.

I am very satisfied with the learning opportunities and hands-on research experience the programme provided. Even though the coursework could be demanding and intense at times, I found it very rewarding. I enjoyed how most courses were taught interactively and the variety of material covered, which can be expanded even further by choosing electives from different master's programmes. I'm also really grateful for how approachable all the professors were and the open international environment I encountered.

I had the opportunity to complete my master's thesis in the lab of Gijsje Koenderink at the Bionanoscience department. My project focused on how the cytoskeletal protein septin affects membrane mechanics by reconstituting a minimal system. During the industrial internship of the R&D orientation, I had the chance to learn more about instrumentation design for biological measurements. These experiences helped me gain more confidence, become familiar with different techniques, develop my experimental skills, and motivated me to pursue further studies with a PhD.

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