Aerodynamics profile
The Aerodynamics Profile is concerned with the understanding and control of flows associated with aerospace vehicles. On the fundamental side, it considers the design of measurement and computational methods for the provision of detailed flow descriptions. On the applied side, it considers the design of flow control devices and techniques to maximise vehicle performance.
The course program of the profile focuses on the knowledge which must be acquired to understand modern flow analysis. This includes courses in gasdynamics and viscous flows, computational fluid dynamics, flow measurement techniques and experimental simulations. It also includes practical courses which establish the context of this knowledge, including aircraft and rotor aerodynamics.
The final thesis, which combines the literature study and thesis project, can be performed within the Aerodynamics research group, our partner research centres, or industry. The topics cover a large area, from the development of new computational methods for difficult flow problems, to the design of high-speed flow measurement systems, to the application of such methods and systems in the design of aerospace vehicles.
For the course descriptions see the digital study guide.