Apply via Studielink

In order to enrol at TU Delft, you need to go through an application process.
This process consists of several steps:

Application deadlines

Students with a Dutch educational background who wish to apply for a bachelor's program must submit an Enrolment Application in Studielink. The following deadlines apply to these students:

  • For bachelor's programs with a numerus clausus (Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Architecture, Clinical Technology, and Nanobiology): January 15th.
  • For bachelor's programs with a mandatory Study Choice Check (SKC) (Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Maritime Engineering, Molecular Science & Technology): May 1st.
  • For bachelor's programs without a numerus clausus or mandatory SKC: register no later than 1 May, because then you are entitled to a Study Choice Check. TU Delft also accepts registrations for these programme between May 1 and September 1, but you will then lose the right to a Study Choice Check.

Do you have a different previous education than a Dutch vwo diploma? For example, an International Baccalaureate (IB) or a vwo diploma obtained in the former Netherlands Antilles (except Bonaire)? Then you have a non-Dutch previous education and you must follow the route of BSc - international diploma. Take into account the applicable application deadlines

Starting from June, the Enrolment Applications for the upcoming academic year will be processed. Your Enrolment Application will only be processed into an active Enrolment at TU Delft once you have met all enrolment requirements.


If you have a Dutch residential address and a Citizen Service Number (BSN), it is possible to apply for a DigiD, which is mandatory for logging into Studielink. It is advisable to apply for and activate your DigiD at least 3 weeks before the enrolment deadline.

Once logged in with DigiD, Studielink retrieves your personal data from the Personal Records Database (BRP). If retrieving your personal data from the BRP fails, you will be prompted to provide the missing information.

NOTE: It is important to enter your data in Studielink as it is known to the municipality. This may mean that you need to enter a different address than where you actually reside.