Vacancies Board UFD

Board of the Delft University Fund (UFD)

The Delft University Fund (UFD) has been active since 1925. UFD connects alumni, companies, and donors (such as benefactors and philanthropists) of TU Delft to support TU Delft’s excellence. UFD uses its funds at its discretion for broadening and deepening (technical) research, education, and talent development at TU Delft. UFD focuses its activities on both the short and long term, with the guiding principle that its actions align with TU Delft’s policies.

The UFD board is responsible for making comprehensive decisions to ensure the continuity of UFD and its funds. The board acts in accordance with the applicable University Good Governance Code. Board members are appointed for a term of three years and can be reappointed twice. UFD and its board are supported by an office led by a director.

Main responsibilities of the board

The UFD board as a whole has the following key responsibilities:

  • Appointing the director of UFD and evaluating the director's performance;
  • Collaborating with the director to develop UFD strategic agenda for both alumni relations and fundraising;
  • Acting as a sounding board for the director, providing advice both solicited and unsolicited;
  • Establishing UFD's disbursement policy and approving payments to UFD beneficiaries;
  • Managing UFD's assets, ensuring the preservation of its ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation) status;
  • Assessing the (financial) position, risks, and continuity of UFD;
  • Serving as a network hub for UFD.

These responsibilities are not listed in order of importance but rather outline the competencies that the UFD board must have. Every board member is expected to be engaged and make a significant contribution to fulfilling these tasks.

Board Composition and Operation

The board consists of at least nine members. Two-thirds of the members must be appointed from TU Delft alumni, with the provision that no more than one may be a non-alumnus. One-third of the members are nominated by the Executive Board (CvB) of TU Delft and are preferably employed by TU Delft. At least one board member must always be a member of the CvB. The board appoints its own members, striving for a diverse composition in terms of age and gender, while ensuring adequate connections with various donor groups. The board includes at least one financial expert (not affiliated with TU Delft) specialising in funds and investments.

Based on the key tasks, the following specific areas of expertise are needed for a well-functioning board:

  • Broad, forward-looking societal orientation and activity, both nationally and internationally;
  • Knowledge of the needs of different alumni categories and a wide network within these groups:
    • Young alumni (up to 35 years),
    • Mid-career alumni (between 35 and 55 years), and
    • Senior alumni (over 55 years);
  • Knowledge of and participation in various TU Delft committees such as advisory boards;
  • Knowledge of and experience with the academic organisation of TU Delft;
  • Knowledge of research funding at TU Delft;
  • Experience with peer-to-peer fundraising;
  • Experience in fundraising from foundations and institutions;
  • Financial expertise in the fields of funds, investments, and auditing.

The board meets at least once per quarter, during which the director reports on developments within UfD. Annually, an off-site meeting is held where the board and the director discuss (parts of) UfD’s strategy.

Board Committees and Other Bodies

To enhance the board’s effectiveness, certain board members (possibly supplemented by external members) may form committees with an advisory or organizing role. These committees can act as a sounding board for the director and the team. These committees are formed in response to specific questions or needs from the director and the team.

Board members are encouraged to participate in as many activities as possible at or around TU Delft, and if feasible, to sit on one of the many advisory boards or alumni panels within TU Delft. This increases their involvement with TU Delft and gives them more insight into the organization of the university.

Additionally, board members are encouraged to actively participate in the TU Delft for Life community.


Within the board of the Delft University Fund, there are currently three vacancies. The board is seeking three enthusiastic candidates who are willing to dedicate unpaid time to the ambitious goals of the Delft University Fund, thereby supporting TU Delft.

The board meets four times a year. Meetings and preparation take a maximum of 4 hours per meeting. Including participation in other TU Delft activities, a board membership requires approximately 4 hours per month.

At the moment, the board is looking for three different board members:

1. Specific Profile for Board Member ‘International’

For the current vacancy on the UfD board, we are looking for a member with the following characteristics:

  • Alumnus of TU Delft;
  • Born and raised outside the Netherlands;
  • Employed as a mid-career alumnus in the Dutch business sector.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Knowledge of and participation in various sub-communities.

2. Specific Profile for Board Member ‘Communities’

  • Alumnus of TU Delft;
  • Employed as a young professional;
  • Experience with community building.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Knowledge of and experience with marketing and communication;
  • Knowledge of and participation in various sub-communities.

3. Specific Profile for Board Member ‘Fundraising’

  • Alumnus of TU Delft;
  • Experience with fundraising, both peer-to-peer and with foundations and institutions.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Knowledge of and participation in various bodies within TU Delft, such as advisory boards.

If you are interested in one of these vacancies, please send a motivated letter and CV by 15 January 2025, to Jasper Peterich (, Director of Delft University Fund. For more information, you can contact Jasper at +31(0)6 54 60 66 11.