Support innovative Education

TU Delft wants to (continue to) offer world-class education to students. Delft University Fund supports the development of additional education programs and innovations and makes scholarships available for excellent international students.

Online education

TU Delft is at the forefront of open and online education. Open and online education ensures that TU Delft's top education is accessible worldwide. TU Delft's mission is to make its education available to everyone. 
Delft University Fund contributes by financing new online courses for students and professionals.

The Delft online education offer can be found here:

A selection of the online courses made possible by donations to Delft University Fund:

Sustainable packaging in a circular economy

Solar Engineering, Zero Energy Building Design en Sustainable Aviation

Scholarships for international students

Excellence Scholarships

The Justus & Louise van Effen Excellence Scholarships give excellent international master students the opportunity to obtain their engineering degree at TU Delft. This two-year scholarship consists of approx. €60,000 for non-EU students and approx. €28,000 for EU students, to cover full tuition fees and a contribution to living expenses. The fund makes a minimum of 16 Scholarships available every year, 2 per faculty. 


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Research Grants

The fund also makes Research Grants available to current master students at TU Delft who want to carry out a research project at a foreign university. The foreign university must be in the global top-20 for Engineering and Technology Universities. The scholarship consists of a monthly stipend of €750 and an allowance for international travel expenses.

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