Green Waves Hackathon
Sustainable IT & Water

Participate in hackathon

1-2 days a week for 2.5 weeks
(3-5 working days)

Participate in preparation

• Technical: cooperation of engineers, domain experts with TUD scientists
• Content: datasets, (key-note) talks at closing day and possibly online
• Coordination: project planning
• PR & Marketing: help set up and amplify marketing campaign

Participate in sponsoring

• Infrastructure use (cloud resources, website)
• Catering for closing day
• Prizes and souvenirs/merchandise

Participate in jury

What are the benefits of participating?

Promotion of Sustainability, Sustainable IT and Climate & Water

Contribute to existing knowledge (sharing) and innovation

Strengthen communities, collaboration

Develop new concrete solutions and applications

Organisers & Partners

• Delft University of Technology - Climate Action Programme
• Green Software Foundation
• Rabobank
• ilionx
• Microsoft