Best Climate Action and Energy Paper 2023

Increasingly extreme weather conditions and a steadily rising sea level are unmistakable signs of the deepening climate crisis. Climate action and an accelerated energy transition can make a difference, with a crucial role for technology and engineering – and thereby for the thousands of students, PhDs, and postdocs of TU Delft.

The Climate Action Programme and Delft Energy organize The Best Paper Award. Young researchers can participate with their paper, published in 2024, and win an amount up to € 1000. An overall jury with professors from TU Delft and other universities will judge the final 9 papers after the themes and institutes of the programmes have delivered their winner.

The 9 finalists will pitch their research paper to the audience at the annual Best Climate Action and Enery Paper Award on Tuesday March 18th, 2025. You are very welcome to join this free event including the network drinks until 17:30. The doors at the Co-Creation Centre on The Green Village will open at 15:00, and the official programme starts at 15:30.

The Award Event: Tuesday March 18th, 2025

15:00 Walkin at the Co-Creation Centre at The Green Village on TU Delft Campus.
15:30 Welcome by Professor Herman Russchenberg Pro-Vice Rector Climate Action Programme
15:40   • Paper pitches
            • Audience voting
            • Announcement of the Best Climate Action paper and Best Energy paper of 2024
16:50 Closing by Professor Peter Palensky; Director Delft Energy
17:00 Network drinks; get in contact with these enthusiastic minds and find your peers within the audience.

The Themes

Climate Action
Climate Science - led by Pier Siebesma
Mitgating Climate Change - led by David Vermaas
Climate Change Adaption - led by Marjolein van Esch
Climate Change Governance - led by Tatiana Filatova

Urban Energy (incl Social Innovation in Energy Transition) - led by Henk Visscher
Wind Energy (incl Ocean Energy) - led by Simon Watson
PowerWeb (incl Energy Access 4 All) - led by Peter Palensky
e-Refinery (incl eBattery) - led by Arjan Houtepen
• H2 - led by Bendiks Jan Boersma

Please let us know if you will be there via this registration form.