Guidelines when taking a MOOC/Online course

  • Consult with your supervisor first before enrolling into a MOOC/Online course that you want to use as part of your DE programme.
  • Courses should be on an intermediate or advanced level, preferably tailored for PhD candidates who already have a MSc.
  • Follow courses from reliable platforms with an organized way of quality assurance, like EdX and Coursera (Udemy courses are not allowed).
  • Contact your department to see whether they can pay for the possible costs involved (course registration, certificates).
  • All TU Delft PhD candidates can get full access to MOOCs offered by TU Delft for free, with a full access voucher. More information on how to obtain such a voucher can be found in the Doctoral Education Guidelines under the heading 'TU Delft MOOCs'.
  • To determine the amount of credits, please follow the guidelines in the Doctoral Education Guidelines: 1 GS credit = 12 hours of workload (including self-study).
  • There is a maximum of 5 credits for any given course.
  • Pursue a certificate.

Examples of courses

Discipline-related skills:

Analyzing Data with Python

Applied Machine Learning in Python

CodeRefinery Workshops

Data-Analysis and Statistics

Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermodynamics

Introduction into Programming using MPI

LabVIEW Core 1, 2 and 3

Observation Theory: Estimating the Unknown

Programming on the GPU with CUDA

Spacecraft Dynamics and Control Specialization

Statistical Inference

Statistical Thermodynamics Specialization

Using Python for Research

Wind Tunnel Testing for Aircraft Development

Research skills:

Basic Problem Solving and Decision-making for Researchers

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Fundamentals

Data Visualisation as a Tool for Scientific Research

How to Formulate Successful Propositions for your PhD Defence

Managing the Academic Publication Review Process

Research Design

Speedreading and Mindmapping

The Informed Researcher: Information and Data Skills

Use Your Creativity, Boost Your PhD

Transferable skills:

Business Model Innovation

Career Development - Deciding Your Next Career Move

Creative Tools for Scientific Writing

Design Leadership and Innovation

Engineering Project Management: Project Financing

Foundations of Educational Design

How to Design a Successful Business Model

Leadership Communication for Maximum Impact: Storytelling

Organizational Leadership Specialization

Project Management for PhD Candidates

Scientific Storytelling

The Art of Presenting Science

Time Management I and Time Management II

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity