Examples discipline-related courses

Here you find various suggestions for courses you can use in the Discipline-related category of your DE programme (make sure you always consult your supervisor first and get their approval before enrolling into a course!). Please follow the Doctoral Education Guidelines and find out how to enroll in these courses and how many credits you can obtain for them. If you are unsure how many credits you can write down for a course, please contact Graduateschool-ae@tudelft.nl. Please note that attending courses and summer schools can incur costs. If you are working on a funded project, those costs might possibly be covered by the project. In other cases the department will probably have some budget available for this. Contact your supervisor or department manager to discuss reimbursement options prior to registering.

The TU Delft AI Labs organizes regular lunch meetings for which you can obtain credits in the discipline-related category. The dates of these events can be found here and please use this form to register these GS credits.