24 November 2022

Senior Researcher Award Airborne for Bruno Santos

Senior Researcher Award Airborne for Bruno Santos

Bruno Santos received the TRA VISIONS 2022 Senior Researcher Award Airborne earlier this month at the TRA Conference in Lisbon. Bruno’s work as the coordinator of the EC Horizon 2020 ReMap project was perhaps the major contribution to his award.

22 November 2022

Working in high winds

Working in high winds

On Friday, 25 November, he holds his farewell speech at the end of the symposium "The Future of Wind. His last official words as professor at TU Delft. Professor Dr. Gerard van Bussel is one of the founding fathers of scientific education and research in the field of wind energy. Strongly connected to the world's challenges and co-responsible for today's solutions. A livable climate in the future has always been dear to him.

21 November 2022

ERC Starting Grant for Francesco Avallone and Ivan Langella

ERC Starting Grant for Francesco Avallone and Ivan Langella

The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the ERC Starting Grants for young researchers. Two of them are scientists from the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft. This European grant of €1.5 million for a five-year programme is designed to allow individual scientists to build their own teams and carry out pioneering research.

15 November 2022

“We should take the lead in this industry”

“We should take the lead in this industry”

The test centre for drone and sensor applications Unmanned Valley will get access to a drone-corridor to sea, right over the dunes near Katwijk. This new flight path goes from former air force base Valkenburg (South-Holland) to the North Sea and has just opened.

25 October 2022

TU Delft in 21st position in THE Engineering & Technology rankings

TU Delft in 21st position in THE Engineering & Technology rankings

For the fourth time in a row, TU Delft ranks 21st in the Engineering & Technology rankings of the Times Higher Education Subject Rankings 2023 published today, 25 October. This is the most relevant category for a university of technology like TU Delft.

19 October 2022

How flying insects and drones can discern up from down

How flying insects and drones can discern up from down

Scientists have developed a theory that can explain how flying insects determine the gravity direction without using accelerometers. It also forms a substantial step in the creation of tiny, autonomous drones.

12 October 2022

TU Delft on the 70th place in THE World Rankings

TU Delft on the 70th place in THE World Rankings

TU Delft takes 70st position on the 2021 Times Higher Education World Reputation Ranking published today. As far as Dutch universities are concerned, TU Delft has ended in 4th position.

11 October 2022

OVERLEAF: safe and economical hydrogen storage in aircraft

OVERLEAF: safe and economical hydrogen storage in aircraft

Earlier this year the Horizon Europe innovation consortium OVERLEAF was launched. The 10-strong consortium from 6 European countries develops a novel low-pressure cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage tank for aircraft. TU Delft researchers Dr. Roger Groves (Aerospace Engineering) and Dr. Lars Bannenberg (Applied Sciences) and technician Herman Schroeders (Applied Sciences) are part of the consortium.

04 October 2022

Fireball camera network FRIPON officially handed over to TU Delft

Fireball camera network FRIPON officially handed over to TU Delft

The coordination of the Dutch branch of the allsky fireball camera network 'FRIPON' has been handed over from ESA-ESTEC to the TU Delft. In a formal event ESA-scientist Detlef Koschny handed over the network to its new coordinator Sebastiaan de Vet of the section Astrodynamics & Space Missions

04 October 2022

Successful crowdfunding campaign spin-off company Kitepower

Successful crowdfunding campaign spin-off company Kitepower

The TU Delft spin-off company Kitepower has collected over 1 million Euros in a crowdfunding campaign over the past months. More than 850 investors contributed to funding the next steps in commercialising the technology of generating electricity by flying a kite.

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