Successful crowdfunding campaign spin-off company Kitepower

News - 04 October 2022

The TU Delft spin-off company Kitepower has collected over 1 million Euros in a crowdfunding campaign over the past months. More than 850 investors contributed to funding the next steps in commercialising the technology of generating electricity by flying a kite.

Associate Professor Roland Schmehl: “I am  incredibly pleased the company has gained the interest and trust of so many investors. This funding will enable them to further improve the reliability and robustness of the technology, which is essential for the introduction in the commercial wind energy market.” Read up on Kitepower? NRC wrote this article recently (behind a paywall if you don’t have a subscription). Or: read this article in the recent Leonardo Times.  

Photo: kite power tests on Aruba. Credits: Kitepower.