27 February 2019

VSV 'Revolutionary Aerospace Women" event

VSV 'Revolutionary Aerospace Women" event

On Tuesday the 19th March the Revolutionary Aerospace Women Event will be held at the Faculty.

26 February 2019

TU Delft team in pre-final round of prestigious Airbus competition

TU Delft team in pre-final round of prestigious Airbus competition

26 February 2019

Four fields of study at TU Delft in global top 10 of QS Subject Rankings

Four fields of study at TU Delft in global top 10 of QS Subject Rankings

21 February 2019

A global network of radio telescopes exposes the aftermath of a violent generator of gravitational waves

A global network of radio telescopes exposes the aftermath of a violent generator of gravitational waves

Astronomers have combined radio telescopes from five continents to prove the existence of a narrow stream of material (jet) emerging from the only gravitational wave event involving two neutron stars observed so far. These findings have now been published in the Science magazine by an international team of scientists, led by Giancarlo Ghirlanda from the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF, Italy). Professor Leonid Gurvits (JIVE and TU Delft) is co-author of the Science paper.

19 February 2019

VSV Symposium ‘Evolution of Aviation’

VSV Symposium ‘Evolution of Aviation’

The aim is to make the audience embrace all the disruptive technologies that are on the brink of implementation.

25 January 2019

SAM|XL: new robotics fieldlab for production large lightweight structures

SAM|XL: new robotics fieldlab for production large lightweight structures

10 January 2019

Self healing material faculty at DWDD University

Self healing material faculty at DWDD University

In the lecture, Dijkgraaf demonstrated a piece of self-healing material from the Novel Aerospace Materials department.

08 January 2019

Can ancient algae help replace chromium-6 in coatings?

Can ancient algae help replace chromium-6 in coatings?

In a few years’ time, using the external skeletons of algae may provide a safe and environmentally-friendly replacement for the use of chromium-6.

08 January 2019

Research-Drone Operations Certificate For MavLab

Research-Drone Operations Certificate For MavLab

The MAVLab performed the first drone test-flight under its brand new full Research-Drone Operations Certificate.

21 December 2018

NWO TTW funding for reduction energy consumption in airliners

NWO TTW funding for reduction energy consumption in airliners

The Propulsion and Power group of the TU Delft is partnering with Aeronamic.

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