20 October 2020

Aviation degrades air quality. How much depends on where you live and who your neighbours are.

Aviation degrades air quality. How much depends on where you live and who your neighbours are.

By far the largest share of aircraft emissions is made up of CO2. But a small percentage of aviation emissions consisting of combustion by-products, such as NOx and fine particulate matter, can greatly degrade air quality.

16 October 2020

University satellite in space for 12.5 years

University satellite in space for 12.5 years

Since April 2008, the first Dutch-made university satellite has been in orbit around the earth. In a new episode of De ProfCast Chris Verhoeven talks about the origins and relevance of Delfi-C3.

15 October 2020

The LUMIO mission: a cube sat watches meteoroid impacts on the far side of the Moon

The LUMIO mission: a cube sat watches meteoroid impacts on the far side of the Moon

This week, space engineering researcher Angelo Cervone gave a keynote presentation at this year’s (online) International Astronautical Congress. His topic: the LUMIO Mission. This mission, one of the two winning concepts of the ESA SysNova Lunar CubeSats for Exploration challenge, aims to send a cube sat mission to the far side of the Moon to watch the impacts of meteoroids.

15 October 2020

An energy mix combined with a novel engine concept to make aviation much more sustainable

An energy mix combined with a novel engine concept to make aviation much more sustainable

Researchers at TU Delft – together with partners SAFRAN group, Airbus and Rotterdam the Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA) – will work on an Advanced Propulsion and Power Unit (APPU) to be applied on aircraft of the calibre Airbus A320.

15 October 2020

IAWA scholarship 2020 for Giulia Gatti

IAWA scholarship 2020 for Giulia Gatti

AE Master student Giulia Gatti has been awarded the IAWA scholarship 2020 for TU students. This scholarship is awarded annually by International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA) to support women pursuing studies in aviation or aerospace related fields.

12 October 2020

'Supersonic planes are not going to save us'

'Supersonic planes are not going to save us'

In response to the messages about a new supersonic aircraft, Dean Henri Werij wrote a letter sent to the Volkskrant. You can read it today, October 12th 2020, as Letter of the Day (in Dutch).

09 October 2020

13 years of Makani airborne wind energy knowledge available open source

13 years of Makani airborne wind energy knowledge available open source

The Google moonshot project Makani, the industry leader in airborne wind energy, was unfortunately terminated after 13 years of development work, in spring this year. But Google has now made all materials available open access, giving everyone free access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise on kite power. Read a larger article about Makani, the connection between the faculty and Makani and of course the links to all the documentation.

06 October 2020

Flexible wing flies with feeling

Flexible wing flies with feeling

A wing that can actively absorb gusts of wind. The scale model of such a wing won three PhD students a prize this summer.

24 September 2020

Four NWO-GO research grants awarded to TU Delft

Four NWO-GO research grants awarded to TU Delft

TU Delft has been awarded four research grants in the NWO-GO ("GebruikersOndersteuning") programme. One of these grants involves research into the 2018 Palu, Indonesia, earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

15 September 2020

Mirjam Snellen appointed as professor ‘Acoustic data analysis and imaging for aviation noise’

Mirjam Snellen appointed as professor ‘Acoustic data analysis and imaging for aviation noise’

The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering is pleased to announce that Mirjam Snellen has been appointed professor within the ANCE section.

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