12 July 2018

Aerospace students finish top in Best Graduates competition

Aerospace students finish top in Best Graduates competition

Two master’s students from the Faculty have taken 2nd and 4th place.

06 July 2018

Delft simulation model for optimum performance during team time trials

Delft simulation model for optimum performance during team time trials

During his Mechanical Engineering degree programme, TU Delft student Mats Overtoom came up with a mathematical model that could provide answers to such questions as ‘What is the optimum changeover schedule for a cyclist in a team time trial?’ and ‘How fast does he need to cycle up a mountain to reach optimum performance?’. The input for the simulation model was data from cyclists from Team Sunweb and specific track information. It gives the Dumoulin team strategic tips for optimum performance, the best order of the cyclists and the length of turns on the front during a team time trial.

05 July 2018

Science Cafe The Hague

Science Cafe The Hague

Only available in Dutch

02 July 2018

Students win Dassault Aviation Prize

Students win Dassault Aviation Prize

Two master’s students from the Faculty traveled to Paris last week as part of the Student Aerospace Challenge

28 June 2018

Quieter airports and wind turbines

Quieter airports and wind turbines

Salil Luesutthiviboon is passionate about noise reduction. Having completed an Aerospace master’s in 2017, his research aims to contribute to a sustainable and quiet future by reducing noise at airports and also at wind turbines.

25 June 2018

Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects wins state-of-the-art multibeam echo sounder

Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects wins state-of-the-art multibeam echo sounder

The Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects group is the winner of the R2Sonic Multispectral Challenge. The prize is a R2Sonic 2026 multispectral multibeam echo sounder.

25 June 2018

Sizzling Summer of Space van start – publiek welkom bij topsprekers van het ISU Space Studies Program 2018

Sizzling Summer of Space van start – publiek welkom bij topsprekers van het ISU Space Studies Program 2018

Een astronauten-panel, de man die de Hubble-telescoop een nieuwe ‘bril’ gaf, ruimtevaartfilms, een speciaal science café in Den Haag, Breakthrough Starshot over de missie naar Alpha Centauri, en een LEGO-robotcompetitie tussen scholieren en de SSP18-studenten.

21 June 2018

Bedrock below West Antarctica rising surprisingly fast

Bedrock below West Antarctica rising surprisingly fast

Researchers have found that the bedrock below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is rising much more rapidly than expected, revealing a very different Earth structure than previously believed. This discovery has important implications in understanding climate changes in Antarctica. The team of researchers, from ten universities including TU Delft, report on their findings in Science on June 22th.

19 June 2018

Aerospace students are GoFly winners

Aerospace students are GoFly winners

A team of TU Delft students is one of the ten winners in the first round of Boeing's GoFly competition.

14 June 2018

Antarctica ramps up sea level rise

Antarctica ramps up sea level rise

Ice losses from Antarctica have increased global sea levels by 7.6 mm since 1992, with two fifths of this rise (3 mm) coming in the last five years alone.The findings are from a major climate assessment known as the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE), to which TU Delft also contributed, and are published today in Nature.

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