Colloquium: Sowndariya Dhiyaneeswaran (Space)
29 January 2025 09:30 - Location: Lecture Room B, FACULTY OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, KLUYVERWEG 1, DELFT | Add to my calendar
High-Fidelity Stability Analysis of Parafoil Descent on Titan
Titan's dense atmosphere and low gravity present unique challenges for stable and precise parafoil landings. This research develops a high-fidelity 9DOF rigid-body simulation model to analyse the rotational stability of a parafoil-capsule descent system. The model introduces additional rotational degrees of freedom at the hinge connecting the parafoil and capsule, capturing the coupled dynamics more accurately. A 6DOF model is employed to verify the 9DOF system under identical conditions and to compare the rotational behaviour between the two models, highlighting the impact of hinge-induced coupling. Comprehensive stability analyses, including sensitivity studies and wind simulations, identify key aerodynamic parameters and payload mass as primary factors influencing rotational behaviour. Results show that hinge-induced coupling leads to distinct rotational responses for the parafoil and capsule, with lateral wind disturbances significantly affecting stability. These insights support the development of upcoming precise parafoil descent missions for planetary exploration.
Supervisor: Dr ir Erwin Mooij