
28 February 2019

Best female PhD students 2018 - Birgit van Driel

Best female PhD students 2018 - Birgit van Driel

28 February 2019

Best female PhD students 2018 - Marina Bos-de Vos

Best female PhD students 2018 - Marina Bos-de Vos

27 February 2019

VSV 'Revolutionary Aerospace Women" event

VSV 'Revolutionary Aerospace Women" event

On Tuesday the 19th March the Revolutionary Aerospace Women Event will be held at the Faculty.

15 February 2019

5 million for more diversity in science

Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) announced in her letter 'Curious and involved - the value of science' to invest 5 million euro for more diversity in science.

05 February 2019

Celebrating Delft Women in Science - Connie Bakker

29 January 2019

Stephanie Wehner wins Ammodo Science Award

Stephanie Wehner wins Ammodo Science Award

Stephanie Wehner (QuTech/EEMCS) is one of the eight winners of the Ammodo Science Awards 2019. Ammodo announced this today. The laureates each receive a sum of 300,000 euros. They can use this money in the coming years to explore new avenues in fundamental scientific research.

18 January 2019

Science prizes won by women ‘offer less cash and prestige’ (Source THE)

Science prizes won by women ‘offer less cash and prestige’ (Source THE)

Analysis of awards in biology and biomedical sciences between 1968 and 2017 suggests women increasingly likely to win prizes for ‘service’ over research. Women who win prizes for their scientific endeavours receive less money and prestige than their male counterparts, according to an analysis highlighting the gender gap in scholarly recognition.

16 November 2018

'Good inclusive leadership makes sure that there is a safe environment within a team in which everyone can put forward their ideas and know they will be listened to.'

Team leaders and other immediate supervisors play an important role in facilitating inclusiveness within public organisations. An interview with public administration expert Tanachia Ashikali of Leiden University.

15 November 2018

Aimee van Wynsberghe receives LÓreal UNESCO For Women In Science award

Aimee van Wynsberghe receives LÓreal UNESCO For Women In Science award

Aimee van Wynsberghe has received the Dutch For Women In Science award. The award was extended by L’Oréal and UNESCO, together with the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) and the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH).