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22 May 2023

TU Delft monitors biodiversity for green TU Delft Campus

TU Delft monitors biodiversity for green TU Delft Campus

Monday, May 22 2023, during Biodiversity Day, TU Delft is launching a collaboration with to make the TU Delft Campus more green and vibrant. René Hoonhout and Tim Tabak from EcoCampus gave tours to students and staff to discover and capture plants, animals and organisms on campus. Monitoring the biodiversity is an important part of the sustainability ambition of the TU Delft to be carbon neutral, climate-adaptive and circular by 2030 with a focus on improving biodiversity and quality of life. René Hoonhout: "We are moving towards a nature-inclusive way of management. By making observations, we can measure whether this contributes the improvement of biodiversity."

15 May 2023

Manon van Beek appointed member of TU Delft Supervisory Board

Manon van Beek appointed member of TU Delft Supervisory Board

08 May 2023

TU Delft focuses on battery of the future

TU Delft focuses on battery of the future

A major challenge in the energy transition is the efficient and flexible storage and transportation of renewable energy. Batteries will play an important role in this. However, much research and innovation are still required. In order to encourage this, on Thursday 11 May 2023 TU Delft will be launching e4BatteryDelft: a brand-new platform that will focus on electrochemical storage of renewable energy – with respect for the world around us, in a way that is affordable and also totally European.

04 May 2023

A breakthrough that makes solar panels better than ever

A breakthrough that makes solar panels better than ever

Solar energy is the cheapest and most accessible form of energy. Now, it will be more efficient than ever.

26 April 2023

Four Royal Honours at TU Delft

Four Royal Honours at TU Delft

Professors Marileen Dogterom, Herman Russchenberg, Jilt Sietsma and Peter Vink all received royal honours on 26 April 2023.

24 April 2023

Innovation District Delft boosts prosperity and innovation

Innovation District Delft boosts prosperity and innovation

The Innovation District Delft will make a positive contribution to the major societal challenges, which also impact the region and city.

18 April 2023

An improved dart and TU Delft research hit the bullseye for professional Dutch darts players

An improved dart and TU Delft research hit the bullseye for professional Dutch darts players

A dart that is less sensitive to player errors and is therefore almost 50% more accurate than a conventional dart. TU Delft researchers may have developed a groundbreaking dart that can significantly improve the performance of elite-level darts players.

18 April 2023

Nature publication on loops, flags and tension in DNA

Nature publication on loops, flags and tension in DNA

Two protein complexes carry the major responsibility for the spatial organisation of chromosomes in our cell nuclei. DNA tension plays a surprising role in this. Together with Austrian colleagues, nanoscientist Cees Dekker and his PhD candidate Roman Barth of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at TU Delft now publish how they have visualised this in detail in Nature on April 19.

14 April 2023

TU Delft researchers shed new light on the motor of DNA replication

TU Delft researchers shed new light on the motor of DNA replication

DNA replication is the process whereby cells make an exact copy of their DNA before cell division. A key part of the intricate DNA replication machinery is a molecular motor called CMG, which has the vital task of separating the two strands of the DNA double helix so that they can be copied. An interdisciplinary team of researchers from TU Delft has now developed a new methodology to assemble and image the motion of CMG with unprecedented resolution.

12 April 2023

TU Delft to collaborate on sustainable aviation with French aviation sector

TU Delft to collaborate on sustainable aviation with French aviation sector

On 12 April a number of covenants were signed in the presence of Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf of Education, Culture and Science and his French colleague Sylvie Retailleau to intensify the collaboration between both countries in the field of science. One of the covenants focuses on the collaboration between TU Delft and French universities and businesses. For TU Delft this represents an important step in terms of research into sustainable aviation.