New ‘captains’ in the cockpit of Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport

News - 30 September 2024

On 1 September, Jos van den Boom, Lennard Verhoeff, and Victor Rijkaart joined the new executive team of Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA).

On the picture from left to right: Victor Rijkaart, Jos van den Boom, Lennard Verhoeff

This trio, with a hefty dose of aviation knowledge, is preparing to usher in the next phase of RHIA. A period in which, community-driven, privately led and publicly supported, they want to make visible and where possible accelerate the transition to a cleaner, quieter and smarter future of aviation, with Rotterdam The Hague Airport as a unique testing ground.

Together with the Executive Board, they will strengthen and expand the RHIA community from RHIA programmes such as DutcH2 Aviation Hub, Smart Energy Airport, Fieldlab Next Aviation and Airport Technology Lab. With a focus on strengthening the content portfolio of aviation innovation, further developing a sustainable innovation ecosystem and with a clear mission to make the transition visible. Brought together at a unique location, the operational airport Rotterdam The Hague Airport.