Towards sustainable aviation faster through success SAM|XL and TU Delft in RDM subsidy scheme
This week, it was announced that three proposals had been approved for the RDM subsidy scheme, in which fieldlab SAM|XL and TU Delft (Faculty of Aerospace Engineering) are jointly involved. In total, SAM|XL and the faculty will receive 4.9 million Euros. Dr. Kjelt van Rijswijk, Managing Director SAM|XL: “In these joint submissions high-quality engineering and scientific excellence are combined to fast-track the transition to sustainable aviation.”
RDM ('Mobility Fund')
RDM is a subsidy scheme for manufacturing companies in the automotive, aviation and maritime sectors whose R&D investments in research and development projects are under severe pressure due to the corona crisis. Through public-private partnerships, they can involve universities and field labs in applying for subsidies. Within the aviation cluster of RDM, 3 projects have been awarded. SAM|XL and the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering are jointly involved in all 3 projects. It concerns:
- Composite Liquid Hydrogen Tanks for Civil Aviation
Development of liquid hydrogen tanks from composites for civil aviation (company: Toray Advanced Composites). Team Delft focusses on both innovative materials and intelligent manufacturing automation. TU Delft contact: Prof. Rinze Benedictus.
- Thermoplastics for Sustainable Aviation
Thermoplastics for sustainable aviation (company: Fokker Aerostructures B.V.). Both the product development and manufacturing automation efforts of structural aircraft components will be supported by Delft, in addition to quantifying the sustainability improvements. TU Delft contact: Prof. Rinze Benedictus.
- Brightsky – ‘smart MRO’
Brightsky (Coordinator: JetSupport B.V., leader of both work packages: KLM Engineering & Maintenance)
- Package 1: Advanced inspection and repair techniques for aircraft engine components. This also involves cooperation with TNO on automation and digitalisation of the core processes and the development of an advanced human-machine interface by the Faculty of 3mE. TU Delft contact: Dr. Kjelt van Rijswijk.
- Package 2: 'Smart Availability', development of digital tools that provide decision support for maintenance and planning, including predictive maintenance. TU Delft contact: Bruno Santos.
- Package 1: Advanced inspection and repair techniques for aircraft engine components. This also involves cooperation with TNO on automation and digitalisation of the core processes and the development of an advanced human-machine interface by the Faculty of 3mE. TU Delft contact: Dr. Kjelt van Rijswijk.
All winning calls
In total 8 projects will receive funding from RDM. More information about the grant programme and an overview of the winning calls can be found on the RVO website.