
39953 resultaten

'Blended learning blijft voor mij het ideale model'

'Blended learning blijft voor mij het ideale model'

“Een pionier op haar vakgebied, een echte onderwijsvernieuwer en een inspirerende docent.” Dr. Giulia Calabretta krijgt veel lof…

Een prachtig alarm naast je ziekenhuisbed

Een prachtig alarm naast je ziekenhuisbed

In ziekenhuizen vertellen verschillende geluiden, bliepjes en tonen het personeel en de patiënten wat er gebeurt; soms tot wel 700…

Hartpatiënten helpen met sensoren en data

Hartpatiënten helpen met sensoren en data

Ruim twee jaar geleden ontstond het idee om samen met Philips Design een project op te zetten op het gebied van efficiëntere zorg en…

Sarnia Fazlali joined ImPhys as Postdoc

Sarnia Fazlali joined ImPhys as Postdoc

Sarnia Fazlali joined ImPhys as a Postdoc. She will work on the simulation, (micro) fabrication, and (experimental) analysis, of MEMS…

All in for Safety & Security

All in for Safety & Security

Wanting to feel as safe as possible, society is averse to unwanted events. Whether they are attributable to incidents (safety) or malicious…

‘'Engineers Must Learn to Talk about Ethics”

‘'Engineers Must Learn to Talk about Ethics”

The Delft Safety & Security Institute runs an annual 3-day interdisciplinary course for young researchers, Safe by Design. Scientific…

“Don't Let Good Failures Go to Waste!”

“Don't Let Good Failures Go to Waste!”

Safety science and practice are all about preventing harmful incidents. But sometimes things still go wrong, unfortunately; A plane may…

Is Safety Culture a Matter for the Workplace, Not Science?

Is Safety Culture a Matter for the Workplace, Not Science?

With the goal of ensuring the safety and well-being of employees, safety culture is certainly a matter for organisations. But developing a…

Safety on a Small ánd Large Scale

Safety on a Small ánd Large Scale

Working with tiny particles, Ruud van Ommen and his research group hope to eventually make an impressively significant impact with their…

Mohammad Jafari

PhD student Mohammad Jafari is a PhD student at SUM lab. He is a member of the Xcarcity project team and works on the project titled 'Sensor…