All in for Safety & Security

Nieuws - 09 november 2023

Wanting to feel as safe as possible, society is averse to unwanted events. Whether they are attributable to incidents (safety) or malicious intent (security), unwanted events can be caused by technical imperfections, (unintended) human actions, or a combination of factors. Promoting safety & security therefore is an area of research that greatly benefits from interdisciplinary collaboration between technical, social, and humanities disciplines. New developments must also be swiftly and skilfully translatable into practice, in which various public organisations and government institutions play a significant role. We posed five questions to some of these partners of the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute, focusing on their perspectives and insights in the field of safety & security.

text Merel Engelsman

1. What is the greatest safety & security challenge in your domain of expertise or organisation?

2. What would you like to achieve in the field of safety & security?

3. What is the role of technology in safety & security, both as a solution and as a risk?

4. How do you view (future) collaborations with academic and non-academic stakeholders in 4 promoting safety & security?

5. Engineers have excellent technicalanalytical capabilities. How is the engineering mindset reflected in your daily work, and how does it 5 relate to other necessary expertise?


Annemiek de Vries, Director of Science and Technology at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI)

Marjolein van Asselt, Director of the Rotterdam Court of Audit

Sven Hamelink, Head of Science & Technology at the Staff of the National Police Services Agency, co-chair of the “Programmaraad Rijks Innovatie Community”

Jaco Westra, Coordinator Safe and Sustainable by Design at the RIVM