
39582 resultaten


De Delft Young Academy streeft ernaar om een levendige gemeenschap van Jonge Academici aan de TU Delft te vormen. Om dit doel te bereiken,…

Community and Social Events

Early Career Researchers Day 2024 The DYA hosted the first Early Career Researchers Day in July, where early career assistant professors…

Topical lunches

Topical lunches 2023-24 June 11, 2024 : Topical lunch was cancelled. May 21, 2024 : Topical lunch was cancelled. April 17, 2024: Dr. Martin…

Applying Foresight

In what types of situations can foresight be helpful to you and how can you involve us? It’s simple; we assist on demand for all…

Purposes of Foresight

What if the world around us evolves contrary to our expectations and becomes more unpredictable? How can we respond flexibly when our…

Frequently asked questions

This section provides a demand-driven quick scan related to strategic foresight for those interested. 1. What is strategic foresight?…


David Peck Geopolitieke ontwikkelingen David Peck kan het grote verhaal vertellen: het belang van kritieke grondstoffen en ook waarom ze…

Press Kit | Kritieke grondstoffen

Press Kit: Kritieke grondstoffen Kritieke grondstoffen zitten in zonnepanelen, elektriciteitskabels en in je iPhone; eigenlijk in alle…


Wil je meer informatie over de onderstaande oplossingen? Neem dan contact op met Dave Boomkens, Wetenschapsvoorlichter Climate & Energy,…

Getting involved

How do you know when to reach out to our Strategic Foresight & Innovation Team? There are multiple situations in which you can touch base…