Community and Social Events

Early Career Researchers Day 2024

The DYA hosted the first Early Career Researchers Day in July, where early career assistant professors pitched their research and shared interdisciplinary insights. The Bioengineering and Transport Institutes highlighted collaboration opportunities, and the Innovation and Impact Centre discussed funding options. This event aims to foster interfaculty collaborations among early career researchers at TU Delft. More details here.

Spring Dinner Event 2024

In June, the DYA hosted inaugural Spring Dinner Event focused on “Mental Health in Academia”. Joeri Tijdink and Stefan Mol initiated discussions on mental health factors and solutions in academia, followed by a panel with Robert Mudde, Caroline Figueroa, and Igor Nikolic. The event highlighted the unique challenges faced by academics, and encouraged ongoing dialogue. Attendees found a supportive community, prompting us to plan future Spring Dinner Events. More details here.

Summer Event 2023

The DYA organized a summer event in Delft on July 7, 2023, to explore and showcase the beauty of the city. It was a wonderful opportunity for the DYA community members to come together and enjoy a memorable day of exploration, relaxation, and community building. We combined discovering historical gems of Delft with fostering meaningful connections between early career researchers at Delft University of Technology. More details here.

DYA Setting up Events

Launch March 2022
In March 2022 the Launch of the Delft Young Academy took place. The event was webcast and can currently be found here.

Kick off November 2021

In November 2021 we organized an initial kick-off event to poll the enthusiasm of the community for a young academy at TU Delft. The event, with talks by the Executive Board, the DYA initiators and the National Jonge Akademie, highlighted the support to form a young academy in Delft. Read more about the event here.