421 resultaten

23 september 2021

A New Beam Multiplexer for NASA's GUSTO mission

A New Beam Multiplexer for NASA's GUSTO mission

GUSTO, NASA's stratospheric balloon observatory, will bring the Dutch multi-pixel camera system of SRON and TU Delft to the edge of space. It will perform a large-scale observation of the spectral lines from ionized atoms between the stars of the Milky Way. As an extra hardware contribution, SRON-TU Delft delivers a Fourier phase grating. The technique behind it is now published in Optics Express.

21 september 2021

Paper on "Plasmonic enhancement of photoacoustic-induced reflection changes" in Spotlight on Optics

Paper on "Plasmonic enhancement of photoacoustic-induced reflection changes" in Spotlight on Optics

The paper, “Plasmonic enhancement of photoacoustic-induced reflection changes”, has been chosen for inclusion in “Spotlight on Optics” by OSA. The research has been done in collaboration with ARCNL colleagues.

21 september 2021

Chris den Ouden joined ImPhys as MSc student

Chris den Ouden joined ImPhys as MSc student

Chris den Ouden has started a M.Sc. project under supervision of Eric Verschuur. He will work on direct inversion of seismic reflection measurements into physical subsurface parameters using Machine Learning approaches, under a local horizontally layered medium assumption. The use of prior knowledge from borehole data will be important to steer the ML process via training on synthetic data and, thereby, reduce the ambiguity.

09 september 2021

Olivia Holm Weidlich joned ImPhys as MSc student

Olivia Holm Weidlich joned ImPhys as MSc student

Olivia Weidlich is a master student in Biomedical engineering from Denmark. She will be exploring 4D functional ultrasound (fUS) capabilities in zebrafish. The project is a collaboration between the David Maresca lab and the group of Elizabeth Carroll. Olivia will be working under supervision of David Maresca.

02 september 2021

ImPhys microscopy data features in NWO Biophysics communications

ImPhys microscopy data features in NWO Biophysics communications

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) images obtained by ImPhys PhD Ryan Lane and others in the Hoogenboom lab have been selected as illustrative material accompanying NWO Dutch Biophysics communication.

02 september 2021

Juancito van Leeuwen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Juancito van Leeuwen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Juancito will help to engineer periodic assemblies of gas vesicles (called phononic crystals) that, if successful, could serve as improved contrast agents for functional ultrasound imaging or be used in 3D ultrasound imaging. His supervisor is David Maresca

02 september 2021

Eva Scherders joined ImPhys as MSc student

Eva Scherders joined ImPhys as MSc student

Eva Scherders will work on the joint inversion of acoustic and electromagnetic wavefields for subsurface imaging. The goal is to create an adequate image processing algorithm that benefits from using the two types of wavefields. Her supervisor is Koen van Dongen.

01 september 2021

Tan Xin joined ImPhys as MSc student

Tan Xin joined ImPhys as MSc student

Tan's project is about how ultrasound works in detecting brain activity. The project explores transcranial functional shear wave elastography which images neuromechanical coupling effects by shear waves. His supervisor is David Maresca.

30 augustus 2021

Enya Berrevoets joined ImPhys as MSc student

Enya Berrevoets joined ImPhys as MSc student

Enya Berrevoets will work on the project: ‘Localisation microscopy in a Rescan setup”. Bernd Rieger will be her supervisor.

26 augustus 2021

Ramón Parchen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Ramón Parchen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Ramón Parchen will work on the project: ‘Image Analysis to characterize structure for “genome in a box”. His supervisor is Bernd Rieger.


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