421 resultaten

14 juni 2021

Impressive track record: Eric Verschuur conducts EAGE course for 50th time

Impressive track record: Eric Verschuur conducts EAGE course for 50th time

Eric Verschuur was elected in 2006 as the first lecturer for the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Education Tour, with 15 lectures in a year throughout Europe, North Africa, Middle East and Russia. Since then he conducts the course 2-3 times a year throughout the whole world.

27 mei 2021

Onderzoekers maken 3D-beeld met lichtmicroscoop

Onderzoekers maken 3D-beeld met lichtmicroscoop

Het is Delftse onderzoekers voor het eerst gelukt om met licht een driedimensionaal beeld te maken van een cellulair onderdeel. Het gaat om het zogeheten ‘kernporiecomplex’ (nuclear pore complex), tunneltjes die het verkeer van en naar de celkern faciliteren. Het in 3D bestuderen van celonderdelen kan onder meer helpen bij het achterhalen van de oorzaak van verschillende ziekten. De onderzoekers hebben hun bevindingen gepubliceerd in Nature Communications.

27 mei 2021

Een nieuw instrument om de hersenen te begrijpen

Een nieuw instrument om de hersenen te begrijpen

Hoe werken onze hersenen? Een internationaal team van onderzoekers, waaronder hoofdauteur Daan Brinks van de TU Delft, heeft een volgende stap gezet in de beantwoording van die vraag. Ze hebben een nieuw instrument ontwikkeld waarmee ze elektrische signalen in de hersenen kunnen afbeelden met een nooit eerder vertoonde combinatie van precisie, resolutie, gevoeligheid en diepte.

26 mei 2021

Sobhan Haghparast joined ImPhys as PhD student

Sobhan Haghparast joined ImPhys as PhD student

Sobhan Haghparast joined ImPhys per May 1st. He will work on "Ultra-resolution with visible light" under supervision of Bernd Rieger.

19 mei 2021

Tom Haanstra started as technician for the first year physics lab course

Tom Haanstra started as technician for the first year physics lab course

Tom Haanstra recently started working as a technician at ImPhys. His focus will be on the support of the first year physics lab course.

29 april 2021

What's inside the pink box? A nature of science activity for teachers and students

What's inside the pink box? A nature of science activity for teachers and students

Freek Pols published the article: What's inside the pink box? A nature of science activity for teachers and students as part of the dissemination of the Erasmus+ project SPOON. The project aims at professionalizing and supporting science teachers. The article highlights an important but underutilized part of science education: Nature of science. As elaborated in the article, Nature of Science can be taught with simple activities and materials.

28 april 2021

Myrthe Wiersma joined ImPhys as MSc student

Myrthe Wiersma joined ImPhys as MSc student

Myrthe will be working on Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM), supervised by David Maresca and Baptiste Heiles. As a Systems & Control student, she hopes to apply her knowledge on estimation, filtering and optimization to improve the tracking of microbubbles in ULM.

28 april 2021

Delmic: a modern continuation of Delft microscopy heritage

Delmic: a modern continuation of Delft microscopy heritage

Microscopy is inextricably linked to Delft thanks to Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who was the first to discover cells and microbiological structures with his self-built microscopes in the 17th century. A tradition microscope builder Delmic has been continuing since 2010 with innovative microscope technology. TU Delft Campus interviewed Jacob Hoogenboom of TU Delft who was involved in this innovative company early on and still works closely together with the company.

20 april 2021

Nanda Bloom joined ImPhys as MSc student

Nanda Bloom joined ImPhys as MSc student

Nanda Bloom has just started her Master End Project within the Jena-TUD graduate school. The project is aimed at investigating the applicability of stochastic resonators for micro-optical spectrometer arrays.

12 april 2021

Amber Heijdra joined ImPhys as MSc student

Amber Heijdra joined ImPhys as MSc student

Amber Heijdra is currently doing the master Biomedical Engineering at TU Delft. For her master thesis she will focus on predicting sarcomere mutations using radiomics at the Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam.


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