421 resultaten

11 januari 2022

Isabel Droste joined ImPhys as PhD student

Isabel Droste joined ImPhys as PhD student

Isabel Droste joined ImPhys as of the 1st of January 2022. Her research will focus on Single Molecule Localization Microscopy, under supervision of Bernd Rieger and Sjoerd Stallinga. Isabel has a background in applied mathematics, specifically scientific computing and inverse problems. She finished a double bachelor in Mathematics and Earth Sciences and a master in Mathematics at Utrecht University.

11 januari 2022

Azin Karimzadanzabi joined ImPhys as PhD student

Azin Karimzadanzabi joined ImPhys as PhD student

Azin Karimzadanzabi finished her bachelor's and master's in civil engineering and geophysics from Iran. After that, she joined the University of Twente for a PDEng in 2019, working on practical aspects of ground penetrating radar (GPR) to develop a protocol to assess the GPR for industrial work. Her PhD project @ImPhys is on seismic imaging, under the supervision of Dr. Eric Verschuur.

14 december 2021

ImPhys paper most downloaded in APL photonics 2021

ImPhys paper most downloaded in APL photonics 2021

Our paper: "Detecting telecom single photons with (99.5+0.5⎯2.07)% system detection efficiency and high time resolution" is the most downloaded paper in APL photonics in 2021. The most read Editor’s Picks from 2021 have been downloaded over 1,500+ times since publishing.

08 december 2021

Een lensloze microscoop bouwen om next-gen chips te bestuderen

Een lensloze microscoop bouwen om next-gen chips te bestuderen

Transistors die worden gebruikt in computerchips hebben nu de minuscule schaal van nanometers bereikt, maar chipsfabrikanten beschikken nog steeds niet over het optische vermogen om deze nieuwe generatie chips te bestuderen. Onderzoekers van de TU Delft hebben een lensloze microscoop gebouwd die een beeld maakt op een schaal van 200 nanometer. Met verdere verfijning van deze techniek kunnen de onderzoekers naar verwachting in de komende twee jaar transistors op nanoschaal in beeld brengen.

06 december 2021

Successful first Annual Meeting of the Dutch Inverse Problems Community

Successful first Annual Meeting of the Dutch Inverse Problems Community

At Thursday 26 and Friday 27 November the first Annual Meeting of the Dutch Inverse Problems Community was held at the Conference hotel “De Werelt”, magically situated in the forest around Lunteren (a village between Utrecht and Arnhem). Scientist from various research groups at Dutch universities that are working on inverse problems were gathering, where TU Delft was represented by people from the geoscience, applied physics and applied mathematics departments.

30 november 2021

Bart de Koning joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bart de Koning joined ImPhys as MSc student

Bart de Koning will join ImPhys per December 1st, 2021. He is a MSc student in Applied Mathematics and Bart will be doing his master thesis under supervision of Aurèle Adam. He will be designing freeform optics for multiple source illumination with AI.

29 november 2021

Young Scientists on stage

Young Scientists on stage

Martijn Nagtegaal, PhD student @ImPhys participated in the "Hoezo? Show!". The Hoe?Zo! Show is an interactive science game show in which young scientists answer questions from curious children live on stage in a race against time. Will the scientists be able to answer children's questions quickly enough? Or do the children's questions prove too difficult for these clever minds?

25 november 2021

Delft Health Initiative (DHI) grant for Qian Tao

Delft Health Initiative (DHI) grant for Qian Tao

The Delft Health Initiative (DHI) brings researchers together who are involved in health research and innovation, in order to focus TU Delft expertise and to contribute to pioneering health technologies within relevant (inter)national research programs. DHI has rewarded Qian Tao with a grant of € 20.000 euro for her submission: 'Not Created Equal: Visualizing Gender Differences in Population-based Screening Trial on Cardiovascular Disease (ROBINSCA)'. Her project has been judged best in the category CardioTech.

23 november 2021

First annual meeting of the Dutch inverse problems community

First annual meeting of the Dutch inverse problems community

On 25 & 26 November 2021 the first annual meeting of the Dutch inverse problems community will be held. Jeroen Kalkman is one of the invited speakers and he will talk about imaging challenges in optical tomography. Eric Verschuur and Koen van Dongen are members of the organizing committee.

05 november 2021

HTSM topsector funding for Ali Mohammadi-Gheidari and Jacob Hoogenboom

HTSM topsector funding for Ali Mohammadi-Gheidari and Jacob Hoogenboom

Ali Mohammadi-Gheidari and Jacob Hoogenboom received a HTSM top-sector funding of € 534.000 for their project: “MEMS-based optics components for high-resolution electron/ion microscopy”. They will study the electron optics performance of designed and fabricated components both experimentally and via computer simulations, including study of the interaction of energetic electrons with the micron- and nanoscale patterned features that form the functional units in the MEMS-components (Roadmap Nanotechnology).


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