The enrolment for 2024 Senior University teaching qualification (SUTQ) at TU Delft is open

Provided by TU Delft Teaching & Learning Services 

The enrolment for 2024 Senior University teaching qualification (SUTQ) at TU Delft is open and there are still some seats available! The Senior University Teaching Qualification (SUTQ, or SKO in Dutch) developing program provides experienced university teaching staff with the opportunity to develop advanced teaching skills as a part of Continuing Professional Development (LLL). It was launched on September 26th, 2023, with a pilot group.    

You will be working on authentic projects tackling educational challenges in the faculty/program. The outcomes of the self-defined project will be shared with TU Delft at the SUTQ Symposium, and it will apply to a broader context (not only the faculty or program the participants were working on).  

Find out more about the program Senior University teaching qualification   
To enroll on the SUTQ please contact Toine Andernach  or Mariia Kosynska The number of participants for 2024 run is limited.   

Curious about the project results of the SUTQ participants 2023?  
Register for the Symposium on May 28th here Join the SUTQ Symposium (