Looking back at network event: Python in teaching

Provided by Freek Pols

Although Python is increasingly becoming the standard programming language at the university, there is insufficient awareness of what is happening in the various faculties. For instance, we are not always familiar with the teaching materials that are already available and used by fellow colleagues. To raise awareness about what is being done and to build a network, the Python in Teaching Event took place on March 14 (Pi Day) – organized in collaboration with the Teaching Academy. 

Various presentations were given by different faculties of TU Delft (and The Hague University of Applied Sciences). Ferdinand Grozema provided an overview of the Python curriculum in the MST program. Saullo Castro and Joost Ellerbroek presented the challenges of transitioning from bachelor to master education. They emphasized especially the difficulties students encounter when they come from a faculty or university where Python is not the main programming language. Derek Land showed what The Hague University of Applied Sciences is doing regarding programming microcontrollers in MicroPython. Esther Plomp, in her role as data steward, gave an overview of the possibilities for creating open education. She also provided an overview of the materials related to Python education used by the library, including a carpentry workshop. With ~50 participants, this event can be called a success. 

To further clarify what is happening regarding Python education at TU Delft, the Digital Skills website was relaunched during the event. The site already contains various repositories that can be used when developing a new course or seeking inspiration. If you have materials you would like to share with colleagues, please send an email to digital-skills@tudelft.nl. The date of the next Python event is not yet known, but if you have ideas or suggestions, please email digital-skills@tudelft.nl