MSc Technical Medicine

The MSc Technical Medicine is a three year joint-degree Master programme together with Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam and their academic medical centers.
 It combines a thorough understanding of the functioning of the human body and the influence of disease processes with an equally comprehensive understanding of medical technology and professional medical procedures.

Introduction week

Introduction Programme

All new MSc-Students receive an email with an invititation to an introduction programme event. This will take place on the Friday before the start of the Academic Year.

The first year will concentrate on providing a deeper theoretical understanding of the specialisation, training students in reserved procedures and clinical skills in a simulated environment and broadening their knowledge and skills in patient safety, efficiency, quality and the implementation of complex medical technologies.

More information can be found here:

Start studiejaar / Start Academic year

2 september 2024

First Year

The first year will concentrate on providing a deeper theoretical understanding of the specialisation, training students in reserved procedures and clinical skills in a simulated environment and broadening their knowledge and skills in patient safety, efficiency, quality and the implementation of complex medical technologies.

  • Python Programming
  • Brok and Ethics
  • Medical Skills
  • Patient Cases


Second Year

In the second year, students will do four clinical-technological internships of ten weeks each. Internships start every three months with start dates in September, December, March and June. Contact for more information about the internships.

Internships are full time with every other Friday reserved for education. On Friday morning obligatory medical techniques in clinical practice (MTK) and Friday afternoons obligatory mentor-group meetings.


TM Internships

More information about all TM Internships can be found in seperate Brightspace Courses and in the MSc TM overall course.


Third Year

During the third year, you complete your literature study and MSc thesis project. Further, you have a complementary 15 EC in which you can follow courses, do an internship or a thesis feasibility project. As a student, we expect you to take the lead in arranging these projects yourself and approach the researchers in the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centers that you’d like to be your supervisor. Contact for more information about the third year.

Master Assignments

More information about the third year will be published in Q2 (2018-2019)

Additional information

Overgang kwartalen 2024-2025

Vanaf academisch jaar 2024-2025 zullen de meeste van de jaar 1 blokvakken binnen de opleiding Technical Medicine in een kwartalenstructuur ingepland worden. In onderstaand overzicht van veelgestelde vragen kan jij meer informatie vinden over de aankomende veranderingen. Staat jouw vraag hier niet bij? Dan zijn wij altijd bereikbaar via Via dit e-mailadres kan je ook met vragen over jouw persoonlijke studieplanning bij de mastercoördinator terecht.

Contact information


Jifke Veenland


Sesmu Arbous

General contact information