MSc Systems and Control

The MSc programme in Systems and Control covers the analysis and design of reliable and high-performance measurement and control strategies for a wide variety of dynamic technological processes. It centres on fundamental generic aspects of systems and control engineering and stresses the multidisciplinary nature of the field, with applications in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, applied physics, aerospace engineering and chemical engineering.

Introduction week

Introduction week

Find more information on the department's website.


The Delft Center for Systems and Control organises an Introduction Week (first week of first quarter) for all new students starting the MSc program in Systems & Control. During this days there is a full programme with introductions and presentations by all DCSC staff members, lab visits, activities etc.

Start studiejaar / Start Academic year

2 september 2024

First Year

The first year will be fully devoted to courses (60 EC),compulsory courses (38 EC) and Elective courses (22 EC). Most courses are assessed by means of an oral or written examination.


More information

Find more information about the Master's Programme on the department's website.


Second Year

The assignments are carried out during the second year of the MSc programme, in most cases on an individual basis. They include the following:

  • 15 EC JIP (Joint Interdisciplinary Project) OR 10EC Research assignment + 5 EC Electives OR 15 EC electives
  • Literature survey (Preparation of MSc thesis project) (10 EC).
  • MSc thesis project (35 EC).

Master Assignments

Get inspired and have a look at the department's website


DCSC Thesis Market

Additional information

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