- Naval Architecture
- Level: MSc. Students
- Language of instruction: mostly French
- Visit
ENSTA Bretagne is a French national graduate engineering institute which offers three year engineering programmes to both civilian and military students. The courses are of high quality and are designed to ensure that students have an excellent level of expertise in their chosen field of Engineering. ENSTA Bretagne graduates are able to design, build and manage complex electronic and mechanical systems.
- Mechanical Engineering
- Level: BSc. and MSc. Students
- Language of instruction: mostly French
- Visit
Sorbonne University is a multidisciplinary, research-intensive and world-class academic institution. Firmly rooted in the heart of Paris, it is committed to the success of its students and devoted to meeting the scientific challenges of the 21st century.
- Mechanical and Materials Engineering
- Level: MSc. Students
- Language of instruction: French, English
- Visit
The École des Mines de Paris has now become one of the most prestigious French engineering schools with a broad variety of subjects. Mines ParisTech provides different educational paths: The Ingénieurs civils degree, the Corps of Mines and the Mastère Spécialisé degrees, and Doctoral (19 schools) and Master (9 programs) studies in various fields. MINES ParisTech is distinguished for the outstanding performance of its research centers and the quality of its international partnerships with other prestigious universities in the world.
- Engineering
- Level: MSc. Students
- Language of instruction: mostly French
- Visit
Since its founding in 1780, Arts et Métiers has been committed to meeting constantly evolving industrial challenges and societal issues. What is its primary task? To train specialist engineers in the field of sustainable technology: engineers capable not only of designing environmentally friendly products and systems, but also of overseeing an industrial organisation by controlling the risks and costs.
- Engineering
- Level: MSc. Students
- Language of instruction: French
- Visit
NSTA ParisTech belongs to the foremost graduate schools of engineering in France. It offers its students a broad education in engineering with the aim of enabling them to design, carry out and manage complex technical projects. In this view, the institute provides a high-level scientific and technological education, which is constantly updated to keep pace with changes in the leading edge technologies, and supplemented by languages, humanities, and the skills needed in business life such as law, communication, economics, accounting and management.