Research groups
Research in the Transport Engineering and Logistics track falls primarily under the Transportation Engineering and Logistics research group.
Transport Engineering and Logistics research group (TEL)
Mobility and excellent transportation and handling systems for people and goods are fundamental to economic prosperity in the industrialized world. Ships transport more then 90% of all goods worldwide, from raw materials to consumer goods. For inland and hinterland transport, reliable, cost effective, efficient, fast, flexible transport systems are essential. Developing these systems is the central concern of research activities in TEL.
Part of the research carried out in the TEL research group overlaps with research groups in the field of Marine Technology:
Ship Design, Production and Operation research group (SDPO)
Industrial systems grow in terms of size, capacity, complexity and ambient pollution. They also interact more with the environment and are controlled in real time. People expect industrial systems, including transport and production systems in particular, to be safe, flexible, efficient, reliable, and labour extensive. Future industrial systems therefore have to be designed differently than they have in the past, with a focus on their control and management, the powering of the equipment used, the effects of automation, and their ambient impact.
Examples of projects are: Prognostic Integrated Logistics (PILOT), MAnufacturing & TRansport Intelligence in eXecution (MATRIX), Design of dry bulk terminals and handling equipment.
Ship Hydromechanics & Structures research group (SHS)
The research within the Marine Engineering group is strongly aligned with the goals of the Intelligent shipping processes and Design for service research focus areas and deals with the following four subjects: dynamic behaviour of machinery systems; maintenance engineering including intelligent condition monitoring; concept exploration and development of new design tools for innovative system designs; and emissions, alternative energy systems and application of alternative fuels.