Kristian | Second-year bachelor student

Kristian is a second-year bachelor student from The Hague, who is part of the beach volleyball society and an active member of the VSV Leonardo da Vinci. 

Why did you decide to study AE? 
“Finding a study program that fit my interests and seemed exciting at the same time was very hard for me at first. In high school, I excelled at most subjects and that left me with the option to pursue any study I wanted. After some thorough research, TU Delft soon rose to the top of my list, together with some other Dutch technical universities. Two studies particularly caught my eye at TU Delft: Computer Science and Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. I wanted to get more information about these studies, so I decided to talk to friends and family who finished these studies to get a broader view. As a result, I concluded that Aerospace Engineering was a perfect fit for me. It is a very challenging study program that combines a variety of engineering fields, which is noticeable from the courses offered. You will do a lot of mathematics, physics, chemistry, manufacturing, even some statistics, and of course a lot of Aerospace! There are also many extracurricular activities to do, organised by the study association VSV ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’! After one year of studying, I am still very happy with my choice and hope to inspire others to study Aerospace Engineering as well!” 

What is your favorite subject and project you have done so far? 
“My favorite course so far was dynamics. This is because it was by far the hardest course that I had to take this year. It is a very challenging subject that is a part of mechanics and teaches the students all about the motion of material objects in relation to physical factors that affect them. If you really like solving small puzzles and spend quite some time mastering difficult theory, you will certainly enjoy dynamics (given you have a good sleeping schedule). My favorite project was the one I did in the first and second quarter of my first year. Here we had to design a small flying wing using all the properties of a wing that we had learned about in the other courses. Then at the end of the quarter, we flew our plane through the big sports halls of the campus!” 

How do you like student life in Delft and the atmosphere at Aerospace Engineering? 
“So far, my student life in Delft has been delightful! There are a lot of study and student societies in Delft that organise many activities all year long. I like to play volleyball and therefore joined the beach volleyball society in Delft, which is a lot of fun! I am also an active member at the VSV, which is the study society of Aerospace Engineering. Here I am part of the yearbook committee, which is by far the best committee of course. De Atmosfeer or ‘atmosphere’ I should say, is very pleasant and inclusive here. Everyone is friendly and always open to some small talk. On another note, “De Atmosfeer” is our faculty bar, located conveniently inside the faculty on the VSFloor. Here I have found myself getting a drink with my friends quite often. There are also plenty of parties to attend whenever you feel like it. So far, I have had a very good time at TU Delft and I hope you will too!” 

Do you have any tips anyone for looking for a study and having to make a study choice? 
“My biggest tip would be to reach out to people that are, or were, a part of the study program you are interested in. For example, on Instagram, via email or through a study society (they will always help you). Engaging in conversation with someone who has had first-hand experience in a study allows for deeper understanding of what is expected, and all your questions can be directly answered. Besides that, attending the open days can be a good way to introduce yourself to the environment of the campus and faculties. If you have any more questions about the study or just questions in general, you can always reach out to me if you see me around!”