About the programme

Every year, billions of people rely on air travel, while satellites play a crucial role in daily communication, meteorology, Earth observation, and navigation. Wind energy is essential for the energy transition. In the BSc Aerospace Engineering you will learn how aerospace engineering can contribute to a better, sustainable world.

The BSc Aerospace Engineering teaches you the knowledge, skills and mindset required to address these challenges. The programme has an excellent reputation worldwide and the faculty is equipped with high-tech facilities. We have an advanced flight simulator, our own aircraft which is used as a flying classroom, a clean room for the development of our own satellites, subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic wind tunnels. Additionally, we have access to a large laboratory for the development, manufacture and testing of materials and structures. 

Field of study

As Aerospace Engineer, you can take on challenging problems in complex fields. You find solutions to societal problems that are cost-effective, lightweight and safe. This means you can work effectively in a multidisciplinary team and are able to synthesise knowledge from a variety of related fields.

This requires a broad foundation, comprising a background in all corners of the field of aerospace engineering. During the bachelor’s programme, you will be introduced to a variety of engineering domains:

Study load

180 EC, 36 months

Average study week

18 hours

8 hours

16 hours


The bachelor programme Aerospace Engineering takes three years. Each year consists of four quarters of ten weeks each, finalised with an exam period. The programme comprises a variety of education forms, such as classical lectures, work lectures, projects and self-study. During classes, you will be taught the usual engineering foundation of physics and mathematics, augmented by aerospace courses on, for example, aerodynamics and orbital mechanics, as well as soft-skills courses on presenting, scientific writing and reporting.

*In the study guide please select the tab "Program" on the left-hand side. After that select the fields "Organization" and "Education type" in the top blue navigation bar.

Binding recommendation

TU Delft employs the BSA system: the binding recommendation on the continuation of studies. This means that you must obtain at least 75 per cent of your credits (i.e. 45 of the 60 ECTS) in your first year in order to continue your programme. If you receive a negative binding recommendation on the continuation of studies, you will not be permitted to enrol in this programme again in the next 4 years.

Facts and figures

100% English-language

Student body
1443 BSc students
48% international students

Study society Leonardo da Vinci

Study society Leonardo da Vinci (VSV) is very active in the faculty. As well as enabling students to purchase books at the lowest possible price, the society provides opportunities to become acquainted with the corporate market. VSV organises workshops, excursions, a five-day trip within Europe and a three to four-week trip to more distant destinations such as Brazil or Australia. For more information, please visit the VSV website.