Participating groups
Admission of new groups
For the admission of a new group as member of the JM Burgerscentrum, we ask the group leader to contact the scientific director or one of the local directors (in Delft, Eindhoven or Twente) for information about the application procedure. In view of regular recognition and assessment of the JMBC by an international evaluation committee, we have to keep strict criteria of scientific quality; therefore, the review of an application for membership follows a well-defined procedure.
Current participating groups
Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Department Process & Energy
Energy Technology, Heat Transformation Technology and Thermal Fluids Engineering (TUD-ME-ET)
- Prof. dr. René Pecnik - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Kamel Hooman – Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Jurriaan Peeters - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Willem Haverkort - Associate prof.
- Dr. ing. Pedro Costa - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Emanuele Zanetti - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Nicolas Valle - Assistant prof.
Department Process & Energy
Fluid Mechanics (TUD-ME-FM)
- Prof. dr. ir. Jerry Westerweel - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Ruud Henkes - Full prof. (part time)
- Dr. ir. Gerrit Elsinga - Associate prof.
- Dr. Daniel Tam Assistant - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Mark Tummers - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Abel-John Buchner - Assistant prof.
Department Process & Energy
Multiphase Systems (TUD-ME-MS)
- Prof. dr. ir. Christian Poelma - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Wim-Paul Breugem - Associate prof.
- Dr. Angeliki Laskari - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Brian Tighe - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Emma Hinderink - Assistant prof
Department Process & Energy
Complex Fluid Processing (TUD-ME-CFP)
- Prof. dr. ir. Johan Padding - Full prof.
- Dr. Lorenzo Botto - Associate prof.
- Dr. Burak Eral - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Remco Hartkamp - Assistant prof.
Department Process & Energy
Thermodynamics Engineering (TUD-ME-ETH)
- Prof. dr. ir. Thijs Vlugt - Full prof.
- Dr. Othon Moultos - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Tim Nijssen - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Mahinder Ramdin - Assistant prof.
Department Maritime and Transport Technology
Ship Hydromechanics (TUD-ME-SH)
- Prof. dr. ir. Bendiks Jan Boersma - Full. prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Gabe Weymouth – Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. T.C.J. van Terwisga - Full prof. (part time)
- Dr. ir. Ido Akkerman - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ing. Sebastian Schreier - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Peter Wellens - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Harleigh Seyffert - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Daniele Fiscaletti - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Nicolás Valle Marchante - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Bernat Font - Assistant prof.
Department Maritime and Transport Technology
Dredging Engineering (TUD-ME-DE)
- Dr. ir. Rudy Helmons - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Geert Keetels - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Arno Talmon - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Said Alhaddad - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Antonio Jarquin Laguna - Assistant prof
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department Chemical Engineering
Transport Phenomena (TUD-CE-TP)
- Prof. dr. Valeria Garbin - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Chris Kleijn - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Saša Kenjereš - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Harrie van den Akker - Full prof. (part time)
- Dr. ir. David Vermaas - Associate prof.
- Dr. Luis Portela - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Bijoy Bera - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Hanieh Bazyar - Assistant prof.
Department Chemical Engineering
Product and Process Engineering (TUD-CE-PPE)
- Prof. dr. ir. Ruud van Ommen - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Volkert van Steijn - Associate prof.
- Dr. Pouyan Boukany – Associate prof.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (DIAM)
Numerical Analysis (TUD-EEMC-NA)
- Prof. dr. ir. Kees Vuik - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Martin van Gijzen - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Matthias Möller - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Deepesh Toshniwal - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Alexander Heinlein - Assistant prof.
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics (DIAM)
Mathematical Physics (TUD-EEMC-MP)
- Prof. dr. ir. Henk Schuttelaars - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Arnold Heemink - Full prof. (em.)
- Prof. dr. ir. Martin Verlaan - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. ir. Hai Xiang Lin - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Wim van Horssen - Associate prof.
- Dr. Johan Dubbeldam - Associate prof.
- Dr. Bernard Meulenbroek - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Domenico Lahaye - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Yoeri Dijkstra - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Ramses van der Toorn - Assistant prof.
- Ir. Marieke Kootte - Assistant prof.
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Department Flow Physics and Technology
Aerodynamics (TUD-AE-AD)
- Prof. dr. Stefan Hickel - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Fulvio Scarano - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Marios Kotsonis – Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Bas van Oudheusden - Associate prof.
- Marc Gerritsma - Associate prof.
- Dr. Richard Dwight - Associate prof.
- Dr. Andrea Sciacchitano - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Sander van Zuijlen - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Ferry Schrijer - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Ahn Khoa Doan - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Steven Hulshoff - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Davide Modesti - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Woutijn Baars - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Morgan Li - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Theo Michelis – Assistant prof.
Department Flow Physics and Technology
Wind Energy (TUD-AE-WE)
- Prof. dr. Damiano Casalino - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Simon Watson - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Dominic von Terzi - Full. prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Carlos Simao Ferreira - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Axelle Viré - Full prof.
- Dr. Daniele Ragni - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Delphine de Tavernier - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Tercio Lima Pereira - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Frits de Prenter – Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Dries Allaerts - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Wei Yu - Assistant prof.
Department Flow Physics and Technology
Flight Performance and Propulsion (TUD-AE-FPP)
- Prof. dr. Arvind Gangoli Rao - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Leo Veldhuis - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Ivan Langella - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Francesca De Domenico - Assistant prof.
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department Hydraulic Engineering
Environmental Fluid Mechanics (TUD-CEG-EFM)
- Prof. dr. ir. Wim Uijttewaal - Full prof.
- Prof. Dr. Caroline Katsman - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Julie Pietrzak - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Ad Reniers - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Claire Chassagne - Associate prof.
- Dr. Ton den Bremer - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Bram van Prooijen - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Marcel Zijlema - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Robert Jan Labeur - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Marion Tissier - Assistant prof.
Department Geoscience & Engineering
Reservoir Engineering (TUD-CEG-RE)
- Prof. dr. Hadi Hajibeygi – Full prof.
- Dr. D.V. Denis Voskov – Associate prof.
Department of Water Management
Sanitary Engineering (TUD-CEG-SE)
- Dr. ing. Dhruv Mehta - Assistant prof
Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment
Department of Urbanism
Breathe Lab (TUD-ABE-BL)
- Dr. Clara García-Sánchez – Assistant prof.
Department of Architectural Engineering and Technology
SenseLab (TUD-ABE-SL)
- Prof. dr. ir. Philomena M. Bluyssen – Full prof.
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Applied Physics
Fluids & Flows (TUE-AP-FF)
- Prof. dr. Herman Clercx - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. GertJan van Heijst - Full prof. (em.)
- Prof. dr. Federico Toschi - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Anton Darhuber - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Rudie Kunnen - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Jos Zeegers - Associate prof.
- Dr. Matias Duran Matute - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Alessandro Corbetta - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Hanneke Gelderblom - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Nicolae Tomozeiu - Assistant prof.
Department of Applied Physics
Transport in Permeable Media (TUE-AP-TPM)
- Prof. dr. ir. Olaf Adan (part-time) - Full prof. (part time)
- Dr. ir. Leo Pel - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Henk Huinink - Associate prof.
Department of Applied Physics
Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges (TUE-AP-EPG)
- Prof. dr. ir. Gerrit Kroesen - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Jan van Dijk - Associate prof.
- Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Ana Sobota - Associate prof.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Energy Technology (TUE-ME-ET)
- Prof. dr. ir. David Smeulders - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Harald van Brummelen - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Rick de Lange - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Herbert Zondag - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. Angèle Reinders - Full prof. (part time)
- Dr. ir. Camilo Rindt - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Michel Speetjens - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Clemens Verhoosel - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Arjan Frijns - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Silvia Gaastra-Nedea - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Maja Ruecker - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Michael Abdelmalik - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Azahara Luna-Triguero - Assistant prof.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Power & Flow (TUE-ME-PF)
- Prof. dr. ir. Niels Deen - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Philip de Goey - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Hans Kuerten - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Jeroen van Oijen - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Bert Vreman - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. Benedicte Cuenot - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. ir. Frank Willems - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof dr. Michael Golombok - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. ir. Rob Bastiaans - Associate prof.
- Dr. Nico Dam - Associate prof.
- Dr. Bart van Esch - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Bart Somers - Associate prof.
- Dr. Marie-Aline van Ende - Associate prof. (part time)
- Dr. Giulia Finotello - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Tess Homan - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Noud Maes - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Yali Tang - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Xander Seykens - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Xiaocheng Mi - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Nijso Beishuizen - Assistant prof. (part time)
- Dr. Claudia Lopez Camara - Assistant prof.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Microsystems (TUE-ME-MS)
- Prof. dr. ir. Jaap den Toonder - Full prof.
- Dr. Regina Lüttge - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Yoeri van de Burgt - Associate prof.
- Dr. Hans Wyss - Associate prof.
- Dr. Ye Wang - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Inês Pereira - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Michelle Spanjaards - Assistant prof.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Processing and Performance of Materials Group (TUE-ME-PPM)
- Prof. dr. ir. Patrick Anderson - Full prof.
- Dr. Markus Hütter - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Martien Hulsen - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Ruth Cardinaels - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Nick Jaensson - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Alexandra Alicke - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Manolis Chatzigiannakis - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Monica Zakhari - Assistant prof.
Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Multi-scale Modelling of Multi-phase Flows (TUE-CEC-MMM)
- Prof. dr. ir. Hans Kuipers - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Maike Baltussen - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Kay Buist - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Frank Peters - Assistant prof.
Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Chemical Process Intensification (TUE-CEC-CPI)
- Prof. dr. ir. Martin van Sint Annaland - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Ivo Roghair - Assistant prof.
Department Mathematics and Computer Science
Centre for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications (TUE-MCS-CASA)
- Prof. dr. ir. Barry Koren - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Mark Peletier - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Han Slot - Full prof. (part time)
- Dr. ir. Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Arris Tijsseling - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Benjamin Sanderse - Associate prof. (part time)
- Dr. ir. Martijn Anthonissen - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Koondanibha Mitra - Assistant prof.
Department of the Built Environment
Building Physics (TUE-BE-BP)
- Dr. ir. Twan van Hooff - Associate prof.
- Dr. Hamid Montazeri - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Stefanie Gillmeier - Assistant prof.
University of Twente
Faculty of Science and Technology
Physics of Fluids (UT-ST-POF)
- Prof. dr. Detlef Lohse - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Devaraj van der Meer - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Jacco Snoeijer - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Michel Versluis - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Chris de Korte - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. Andrea Prosperetti - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. Chao Sun - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. Roberto Verzicco - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. Xuehua Zhang - Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. Marjolein van der Linden -Full prof. (part time)
- Prof. dr. ir. Leen van Wijngaarden - Full prof. (em.)
- Dr. Alvaro Marin - Adjunct prof.
- Dr. ir. Richard Stevens - Associate prof.
- Dr. Corinna Maaß - Associate prof.
- Dr. Dominik Krug - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Sander Huisman - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Martin van der Hoef - Associate prof. (part time)
- Dr. Guillaume Lajoinie - Assistant prof.
Physics of Complex Fluids (UT-ST-PCF)
- Prof. dr. Frieder Mugele - Full prof.
- Dr. Michael Duits - Associate prof.
- Dr. Igor Siretanu - Assistant prof.
Cluster Membrane Science and Technology (MST)
Soft Matter, Fluidics and Interfaces (UT-ST-SFI)
- Prof. dr. ir. Rob Lammertink - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Karin Schroën - Full prof.
- Dr. Jeff Wood - Associate prof.
Mesoscale Chemical Systems (UT-ST-MCS)
- Prof. dr. Han Gardeniers - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. David Fernandez Rivas - Full prof.
- Dr. Jimmy Faria Albanese - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Niels Tas - Associate prof.
- Dr. Arturo Susarrey Arce - Assistant prof.
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Engineering Fluid Dynamics (UT-ET-EFD)
- Prof. dr. ir. Kees Venner - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Harry Hoeijmakers - Full prof. (em.)
- Dr. ir. Rob Hagmeijer - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Edwin van der Weide - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Claas Willem Visser - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Ysbrandt Wijnant - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Kartik Jain - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Franciscus de Jongh - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Arne van Garrel - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Huseyin Ozdemir - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Lionel Hirschberg - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Philip Ströer - Assistant prof.
Thermal Engineering (UT-ET-TE)
- Prof. dr. ir. Gerrit Brem - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Wilko Rohlfs - Full prof.
- Prof. dr .ir. Theo van der Meer - Full prof. (em.)
- Dr. ir. Jim Kok - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Arthur Pozarlik - Associate prof.
- Dr. Mina Shahi - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Amir Mahmoudi - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Canan Acar - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Yashar Hajimolana - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Abhishek Singh - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Mohammad Mehrali - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Tingting Zhu - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Keerthivasan Rajamani - Assistant prof.
Multi Scale Mechanics (UT-ET-MSM)
- Prof. dr. Stefan Luding - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Anthony Thornton - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Harm Askes - Full prof.
- Dr. Thomas Weinhart - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Wouter den Otter - Associate prof.
- Dr. Igor Ostanin - Assistant prof.
Marine and Fluvial Systems (UT-ET-MFS)
- Prof. dr. Suzanne Hulscher - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Kathelijne Wijnberg - Full prof.
- Dr. Jord Warmink - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Pieter Roos - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Jebbe van der Werf - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Bas Borsje - Associate prof.
- Dr. ir. Anouk Bomers - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Geert Campmans - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Trang Duong - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Erik Horstman - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Vasileios Kitsikoudis- Assistant prof.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)
Multiscale Modelling and Simulation (UT-EEMCS-3MS)
- Prof. dr. ir. Bernard Geurts - Full prof.
Biomedical and Environmental Sensorsystems (UT-EEMCS-BIOS)
- Prof. dr. ir. Albert van den Berg - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Loes Segerink - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Mathieu Odijk - Full prof.
- Dr. ir. Tim Segers - Assistant prof.
- Dr. ir. Sergii Pud - Assistant prof.
University of Groningen
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Computational and Numerical Mathematics (RUG-SE-CNM)
- Prof. dr. ir. Roel Verstappen - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Arthur Veldman - Full prof. (em.)
- Dr. ir. Fred Wubs - Associate prof.
- Dr. Cristóbal Bertoglio - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Julian Koellermeier - Assistant prof.
Computational Mechanical and Materials Engineering (RUG-SE-CMME)
- Dr. Antonis Vakis - Associate prof.
- Dr. Pablo Druetta - Assistant prof.
Biomimetics Group (RUG-SE-BMG)
- Prof. dr. ir. David Lentink - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Elze Jan Stamhuis - Full prof.
Wageningen University & Research
Department of Animal Sciences
Experimental Zoology (WUR-AS-EZ)
- Prof. dr. ir. Florian Muijres - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. ir. Johan van Leeuwen - Full prof. (em.)
- Dr. Guillermo J. Amador - Assistant prof.
Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences
Food Process Engineering (WUR-AFS-FPE)
- Prof. dr. ir. Karin Schroën - Full prof.
Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences
Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter (WUR-AFS-PCSM)
- Prof. dr. ir. Jasper van der Gucht - Full prof.
- Dr. Uddalok Sen - Assistant prof.
Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences
Physics and Physical Chemistry of Foods (WUR-AFS-PPCF)
- Dr. Mehdi Habibi- Associate prof.
- Dr. Leonard Sagis - Associate prof.
Utrecht University
Institute for Meteorology and Oceanography (UU-IMAU)
- Prof. dr. Henk Dijkstra - Full prof.
- Dr. Anna von der Heydt - Associate prof.
University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Science
Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute for Experimental Physics
Soft Matter Group (UVA-SMG)
- Prof. dr. Daniel Bonn - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Noushine Shahidzadeh - Full prof.
- Prof. dr. Peter Schall - Full prof.
- Dr. Joshua Dijksman - Associate prof.
- Dr. Corentin Coulais - Associate prof.
- Dr. Maziyar Jalaal - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Sara Jabbari-Farouji - Assistant prof.
- Dr. Antoine Deblais - Assistant prof.