Create or change your personal profile

Important Information

On 23 March 2024 all of IDE's profile pages were updated to better align with the TU Delft standardised profile template. The new template automatically grabs information from PURE and E-Services. Therefore it is important that you update your PURE and E-Services accounts. If your PURE and E-Services accounts are not updated, then this will be reflected in your profile found on our website.


IDE Profile Change

This is how we contact you about the changes. Secretaries may submit changes on behalf of their employees.

I want to:
I have a PURE account:
Profile Body
This is the image that will appear on Google when your name is searched and when there are staff lists ( This website element doesn't grab information from PURE. Sorry for the extra step!
The data used in the "Courses" section of the IDE profile pages is pulled from Studie Gids (; however, if you are not listed as the point of contact for the course then it will NOT appear on your profile. To solve this issue (until we can find a solution), we will manually add it to your profile.
Department and Section
Other Groups/Affiliations
Research Themes
Research Themes (Please choose the themes you would like displayed on your profile)
Areas of Expertise