Who we are
FRAIM is a transdisciplinary research and innovation centre, which aims to understand and shape a future of physical work that is meaningful, just and viable – with and for workers.
We are organised as a learning network: a core group that interfaces with a committed community of academics, innovators, and practitioners, configured so we can engage effectively with organisations and their workers. This is a growing community that is open to anyone who is willing to jointly take responsibility for shaping the future of work.
The community currently comprises active members from our six founding partners: an academic consortium from 5 Dutch universities, and innovators from fieldlab RoboHouse. A core team of FRAIM staff nurtures the community, integrates knowledge across projects, and recruits and supports transdisciplinary task forces for specific projects.
Together with this growing community, we have developed a shared vision and a pragmatic methodology for transdisciplinary research and innovation, further refined in practice in several projects.
In 2024, for his leadership in codeveloping these key elements to create change on the workfloor, FRAIM scientific director David Abbink received the highest Dutch recognition for science: the Stevinpremie, which particularly recognises scientific excellence with societal impact.
FRAIM researchers that work across projects
Olger Siebinga (postdoc robotics)
Alessandro Ianiello (postdoc design)
Atula Jadhav (product designer)
Soon to hire other core members
Our founding academic partners: 5 Dutch universities
Our academic expertise has its homebase in the so-called Worker-Robot-Relations Consortium. This interdisciplinary consortium from five different universities learned how to deeply work together, and developed together the WRR research agenda, research toolbox, and ideas to monitor intended and unintended outcomes on the workfloor. See below for the involved researchers.
David Abbink, Deborah Forster, Laura Marchal-Crespo, Micah Prendergast, Luka Peternel, Jens Kober, Mark Neerinckx, Dave Murray-Rust, Marco Rozendaal, Claudia Werker, BinBin Pearce, Alexei Sharpans'kykh
Kristina Lauche, Bareerah Hoorani, Roel Schouteten, Armand Smits, Vera Blazevic, Stefan Heusinkveld
Cristina Zaga, Gwenn Englebienne, Mascha van der Voort, Vanessa Evers
Maarten Steinbuch, Elena Torta, Filippo Santoni de Sio, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Pascal LeBlanc, Josette Gevers, Giulia Perugia
Arnold Bakker, Daantje Derks-Theunissen
Our founding innovation partner RoboHouse
Fieldlab RoboHouse is key partner around worker-centered innovation processes and provides FRAIM with organisational support (in terms of physical space for labs and offices, project management, business development, tech transfer). They provide spaces, staff, and expertise through the whole RoboHouse team.
Partners in support roles
Impact and Innovation Centre
Bas Vennemann (business development)
Lisa van der Lugt (beleidsmedewerker)
Paul Althuis (strategic advice)
Chantal Alleblas from ArboUnie (ergonomics expert)
Sonja Nollen-Smith (communication strategist)
Recess College (personal training & development)
Project-specific transdisciplinary teams
Nursing at Erasmus MC (2 years)
Principal Investigators: David Abbink, Iris Wallenburg (EUR), Monique van Dijk (EMC)
A network of contributors: of academic faculty, innovation practitioners and experts from Erasmus MC, RoboHouse, TU Delft, and TU Eindhoven
TD postdoc team for Nursing project
Seethu Christopher (Engineering - Robotics)
Benedetta Lusi (Interaction Design)
Paulien D'Huyvetter (Work and Organisational Psychology)
Ellen Algera (Organisational Science)
Lihui Pu (Nursing Science)
- Myrthe van der Zanden
A team of nurses at the Oncology Department
Brightsky (KLM) Engine Repair (4 years)
Principal investigator: David Abbink
Promotors and Supervisors: Luka Peternel, Micah Pendergast, Eva Verhoef, Deborah Forster, Dave Murray-Rust
Cognitive Robotics, TU Delft: Nicky Mol, Ernst Lock, Thijs Exterkate,
Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft: Alessandro Lanniello, Sara Muscolo, Tosca Horstink
RoboHouse: Auke Nachenius, Denis Zatyagov, Stephan Balvert
Erasmus MC pilot (6 months, 2023)
TD taskforce:
Stefan Balvert (robotics)
Anne Arzberger (interaction design)
Steffi Menten (organisational change)
Tim Korteland (nursing science)
Counterpart team of nurses
- Nurses: Ricky Hu, Femke Remis, Simone Slappendel, Sabrina Rikkers, Margit van der Bijl, Ingeborg van de Vorst, Ada-Sietske Mourik and Janno Wouters
Nursing team leads: Pascale Thielemans, Petra Toet-Zevenbergen, Sophie Kreling-Kleinherenbrink, and Daniëlle Kooijman
Schiphol/KLM baggage handling pilot (8 months, 2023-2024)
TD taskforce:
Lilly Filthaut (interaction design)
Tom Coppelmans (work and organisational psychology)
Halithan Çetin (operations research)
Camille Sallaberry (robotics)
Stijn Verlaak (organisational change)
Counterpart team of KLM employees
Network of academic mentors, and innovation experts from both Schiphol Innovation Hub and KLM baggage services
Origins of FRAIM
FRAIM started in spring 2021, when FRAIM was initiated at the Delft University of Technology, between David Abbink and then-time RoboHouse director Jaimy Siebel. David brought together an academic consortium to submit a 10-year funding proposal (NWO Zwaartekracht) around the future of work, submitted in 2021. It was not granted although well-reviewed, but was an important step to forge our academic consortium. We kick-started the Brightsky project, allowing our academic consortium to visit the workfloor of KLM Engine Repair Services, where we could start experimenting with transdisciplinary practices. At the same time impact strategist Joost v/d Loo was working at RoboHouse, helping towards a pragmatic vision around workplace attractiveness for FRAIM. In 2022 RoboHouse and academic consortium started to really integrate academic and innovation practices, while the WRR consortium prepared for resubmitting the NWO Zwaartekracht grant in 2023, as well as an 8-year Nationaal Groeifonds proposal. At the same time, we started our first pilot project at Erasmus MC around nursing work. In the summer 2023 we received notice that both big grants were not granted, but managed to land a pilot project with Schiphol and KLM around baggage handling. The two pilot projects led to a two-year collaboration with Erasmus MC in 2024 and 5-year partnership with KLM and Schiphol around baggage handling work.