Meet us

FAST offers a consultation hour every Monday between 12.45-13.30 in the TU Delft Aula, ground floor, next to the reception. Everyone is welcome to drop by!
You can also contact us for a personal online meeting. Contact us via and we will schedule a Zoom meeting!

Martijn Hofwegen


Eva Heemskerk

Portal & Crowdfunding

Mick Sikkens

Relationship Manager Associations

Simone van der Velde

Communication & publicity

Talk to us personally

Do you have questions about your specific project and its eligibility for funding? Or do you want to know more about fundraising in general? We are open to any kind of questions.

You’re invited for an informal talk during our weekly information hour. Everyone is welcome and no registration or appointment is needed.


From September 2024 we are looking for two new team members for the FAST team:

- Team member: Crowdfunding
- Team member: Study associations

If you have any questions, feel free to join us during our consultation hour, held every Monday from 12:45 to 13:30 at the Aula or send us an email. If you are interested, submit your resume and motivation letter by June 4, 2024 to

Weekly consultation hours

When: Every Monday
Time: 12:45 – 13:30 PM
Where: TU Delft Aula, main hall ground floor, next to the reception

Email us

Do you have a question or want to schedule a meeting? No problem, email us and we will get back to you asap!

Email us