(Nonparametric) Bayesian statistics



Key Publications

2016 - Hanne Kekkonen, Matti Lassas, Samuli Siltanen - Inverse Problems

Posterior consistency and convergence rates for Bayesian inversion with hypoelliptic operators

The Bayesian approach to inverse problems is studied in the case where the forward map is a linear hypoelliptic pseudodifferential operator and measurement error is additive white Gaussian noise. The measurement model for an unknown Gaussian random variable \(U(x,\omega )\) is \({M}_{\delta }(y,\omega )=A\) \((U(x,\omega ))+\delta \phantom{\rule{.2mm}{0ex}}{ \mathcal E }(y,\omega )\), where A is a finitely many orders smoothing linear hypoelliptic operator and \(\delta \gt 0\) is the noise magnitude. The covariance operator CU of U is smoothing of order \(2r\), self-adjoint, injective and elliptic pseudodifferential operator. If \({ \mathcal E }\) was taking values in L2 then in Gaussian case solving the conditional mean (and maximum a posteriori) estimate is linked to solving the minimisation problem \({T}_{\delta }({m}_{\delta })={\mathrm{arg}\mathrm{min}}_{u\in {H}^{r}}\) \(\{\parallel {Au}-{m}_{\delta }{\parallel }_{{L}^{2}}^{2}+{\delta }^{2}\parallel {C}_{U}^{-1/2}u{\parallel }_{{L}^{2}}^{2}\}.\) However, Gaussian white noise does not take values in L2 but in \({H}^{-s}\) where \(s\gt 0\) is big enough. A modification of the above approach to solve the inverse problem is presented, covering the case of white Gaussian measurement noise. Furthermore, the convergence of the conditional mean estimate to the correct solution as \(\delta \to 0\) is proven in appropriate function spaces using microlocal analysis. Also the frequentist posterior contractions rates are studied.